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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


At Gencon this year, I had the chance to sit down with a handful of young artists looking to break into the biz. I like to give solid, honest criticism of their work, telling them what's good, what works, and what won't work. Of the artists I spoke to, two of them definitely have the chops. I'd love to be able to look back and say, "I discovered that guy/that gal. I gave them their first job in the RPG industry."


One of the others, he's got potential. He needs some work. He's got the talent, but (among other things) he spends a ton of time doing detail work, which is great on a 11x14 piece of paper; not so good when I shrink it down to a quarter-page. Also, his composition needed some work. But he took my criticism very well. I actually spent maybe half an hour with him, going over his portfolio piece by piece. Afterwards, he thanked me for taking so much time, and told me that he thought my criticism was very helpful, and it would make him a better artist.


Another guy... well, he didn't take it so well. It's not like he got mad or anything, but he looked like I had just broken up with him. He tried to be strong, but his face was so sad, so very very sad. I wasn't dissing on him or anything, just giving him (what I hope was) honest and constructive criticism. I wonder if I destroyed the poor guy's dreams of getting into the gaming industry.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just put someone on my ignore list.


And saw that I have no one else on that list. I could have sworn I'd put someone else there, but that was chat, so I guess that's a seperate list.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary considers it a testament to the quality of people here, that it's taken this many years to find one worthy of being totally ignored.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Most people who want to "discuss" philosophy with me are trying to sell me on their politics, or trying to justify their mental illness. I don't care that you have an iron philosophical justification for not paying your taxes or hating those you hate. I don't think you really care about the right or wrong of what you're saying either; if you did, you'd actually think about it, rather than just repeat whatever you heard last from your latest boycrush or favorite pundit.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I got a 2-Euro-cent coin in my change today here in Seattle. Same size, at least approximately, as a US penny, and the same copper-esque color. First time that's happened to me. It does have a groove around the outer edge, but the coin is dirty enough I didn't notice at first. It seems to have been minted in Spain.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today I was helping a student with her homework on the Battle of Bunker Hill. I had to explain a few tactics, bayonet charges, and the meaning of Pyrrhic victory.


Apparently, all my years of studying the different ways how people get killed finally paid off in my job.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


There's a smoothie place on campus I visit every few months or so. I'm always amazed at how cold these things can be. I'd swear they're actually colder than ice. My hand is numb from holding it, and I can get brainfreeze from a tiny sip if I'm not careful.


The green apple is darn tasty, though.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Weird Law: Rhode Island, which is one of several states allowing for first cousin marriage, has a religious exception to its incest laws dating back to Colonial times allowing a Jewish woman to marry her uncle. Ergo, Sarah to Abraham.

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