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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have to say if your world view makes you feel that you need to redefine everything to fit it, a) it's probably not that sound and B) the idea of calling yourself "conservative" is suddenly ironic.


anyway for your perusal...



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


One of these days, my superiors are going to get sick-and-tired of being bitten in the ass by things I warned them about months ago and wanted to address, only they vetoed me because "It isn't a problem yet" and/or "We have time to deal with it later," so it didn't get looked at until it now a crisis. So then maybe, just maybe, they'll get the clue that I am good at anticipating problems and that I know what I'm talking about.


Hey, when I dream... I dream big. :)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


We were having a nostalgia conversation at work about comics today. I twigged on something. My favorite comics were,


  1. John Sable: Freelance
  2. Green Arrow (The Grell Run)
  3. Lone Wolf and Cub
  4. Lady Snowblood
  5. Conan
  6. Red Sonja
  7. GI Joe
  8. The Nam

I read some superhero comics with varying dedication, but most of the comics I read weren't caped crusaders. True, the Green Arrow is a (street level) superhero, but the Grell run was unique and didn't have much of a superhero verve to it. The superhero comics I did read with any regularity tended to be more street-level, solo-hero oriented: the Dark Knight (prior to the emergence of the batgod), Daredevil (incl. his partnered with the Black Widow days), Punisher iterations, and Spiderman. Mostly I was into non-superhero comics.


No wonder I don't do normal superhero games. Its not a genre I was heavily into.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Back in grad school, one professor of mine -- a theoretician -- said that it was more important to be interesting than correct. (Another professor of mine, an observer, nearly had apoplexy when this was related to him.) Whether or not it's true for astrophysics theoricians, it is clearly true on the Web, and I expect it also is definitely true in today's broadcast media.


As an example:


If you google "Einstein was wrong", including the quotes, you get about 16,400 sites, including "einsteinwaswrong.com". This is slightly fewer than the 21,100 sites that result from "darwin was wrong" (including "whydarwinwaswrong.com").


This is a factor of several fewer than "Marx was wrong" (79,100 sites, though no eponymous page in the first ten of those), but there we are straying out of the sciences -- sorry, I vacillate about where economics fits -- where factual evaluations can be made dispassionately.


"Einstein wrong" scores over a factor of 100 more than "Feynman was wrong" (140 sites) and a factor of 500 more than "Curie was wrong" (32 sites, and a cheat because "Curie" includes three famous scientists, Marie, Pierre, and their daughter Irene).


By contrast, the non-crackpot statements "Becher was wrong" (4 sites; Becher was a leading phlogiston theory backer) and "Blondlot was wrong" (5 sites; Blondlot "discovered" N rays) are almost lost in the noise.


Joe Goebbels is alive and well. Very well.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Only getting four hours of sleep it was totally worth it in order to go to the Ren Faire and see my buddies 4 year old get knighted and now insist on being called "Sir Josh". Also, his excitement over his new "sword pocket" (a rope with a little leather for hanging his toy sword from his shoulder) was just hilarious.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I should be studying, but instead I'm listening to revving cars, the neighbor's TV, and a constant stream of repetitive dance music from the grad party four houses away from here. Paparazzi. Paparazzi. Paparazzi. Paparazzi.

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