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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've changed in so many ways, but I just realized that in some ways I'm the same person now that I was when I was 18.


Somehow, I find that comforting.


Lucius Alexander


I wish I'd had a palindromedary then

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My work schedule is all screwed up next week. I have a Saturday off. Not the Sunday, of course. Or the Friday. ("You want two days off together, in the same week? Are you drunk? Here, have a Monday and a Friday, instead.") But still, half a "weekend,"as I hear the youngsters are calling them now. Does this mean that I have to get a social life?

Ah, it's just one day. I'll borrow one.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Champions Online is rather fun. I have a sorcerer who can blast things, teleport and set up explosive sigils. Which means I can easily wipe out most groups. The part that's still fun is things like villains that can run through all five sigils and still keep coming.


Next, I think I'll try a Sword & Fire Blast "Angel" type character. Of the warrior type. :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I don't read the newspaper daily, but when I do I always make sure to take in the comics - often, the only part of the news that makes any sense.


Yesterday's Doonesbury had someone talking about a tea bag protest they were watching. The costumes were remarked on.


"Yeah, these people reamind me of the Yippies. Same rage, same incoherence, same street theatre..."


The crowd starts chanting "Down with tyrants!"


"And the same outasight message!"


Lucius Alexander


And the palindromedary goes around and around

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


When I was still a child, I once tried to remember the first thing I experienced. It was going into my room one sunny afternoon. Try as I might, I couldn't remember anything I did before that. That could only mean one thing: I popped into existence one day.


A few years later, my mother took me along when she went about her errands. I remember going to the bank and several shops. That night, I remembered all the places we went to, but I just couldn't remember the trip home. I didn't even remember arriving home. This made me wonder if I was the real me, or if the real me had gotten lost, and I popped into existence to take his (my?) place.


Now there's no reason to believe this pattern would simply stop. In fact, it's only logical that it would continue at random intervals. Of course, this is probably the product of a deranged mind, but it would explain why I haven't been feeling quite like myself lately.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Have you ever misplaced something, yet clearly remember where you last had/placed it? Then after searching only to find it someplace else and having no memory of putting it there?


I have a (likely wild) theory that there are multiple copies of this world, each in it's own dimension (timeline?), and each is just a tiny bit different (nothing new with that). But that due to some large-scale "Uncertainty Effect", matter/objects (including a person) can sometimes "jump" (swap places, actually) from one world/timeline to another. So your memory of leaving the keys in the kitchen despite finding them in the bedroom (and living alone) isn't false. Either the keys (or you) "jumped tracks" to a parallel world. One where you *did* leave the keys in the bedroom.


Our existence could be "fuzzy" in a higher-than-3-dimensional-sense and we just don't have the ability or tools to detect this*. Possibly most shifts go completely unnoticed because the change is either so minuscule as to be irrelevant, or one that is outside of one's domain (i.e., doesn't affect us).


*Yes, I realize this makes it hard-to-impossible to test/falsify. I did say it was likely wild. But then so was Special Relativity until it was confirmed. ;)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Yeah, yeah, I know you wanted to do it for me. and maybe it is really, in theory, somehow easier to do it your way - at least normally.



Unlike my actual situation, which is not normal this time around (unlike the last two times, when your help was welcome.)

Trying to do it that way looks like a huge hassle, frankly more trouble than it's worth compared to my "traditional" way.


The thing is, when trying to do things the "easy" way generates several times the amount of grief and hassle and stress doing it the "hard" way does, IT'S NOT REALLY THE EASY WAY ANYMORE IS IT??!


And frankly, even if doing it my way were twice as expensive and took five times as much time as I expect it to take, I'd still RATHER DO IT MYSELF MY WAY than have to deal with you getting so FREAKED OUT that I end up online venting to people who have no clue what I'm talking about (and no reason to care) and typing things in ALL CAPS and generally throwing a tantrum to let off all this stress that isn't even MY stress, it's YOUR stress spilling over on me!



I just hope that after I calm down I can go to you, get you to calm down, pry the job out of your fingers, soothe your frustration and guilt over not doing it for me this one time, and then GET IT DONE!



Lucius Alexander


Beating my head on a very patient palindromedary

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