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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I never watched LOST but I've heard so much about it that I got the first disc on Netflix. I finally got around to watching it today and I have two questions.

1) How much of this is shot in shaky cam? Another episode of that crap and I'm stopping.

2) Am I supposed to like any of these characters? I find I'm more interested in watching these people die. Right now I think a better title for the series would be "Ass****$ on a Beach."


I hope it gets better. Or maybe I'm just not the audience.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I feel the need to spew random thoughts onto a public board from time to time so I thought I'd start up a thread to do it. Of course everyone else is welcome to spew here also--the only rule is that you cannot reply to someone else's post. Each post should have as little to do with the others as possible.


It's been awhile since the first post had been repeated.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


One of our cats was found in Henderson yesterday.

AC called me up, and since we had a transport in Vegas, we picked him up right away.

A little skinny and scared last night, but doing well this morning.


I try to contact the adopter.

Her numbers are all disconnected, but since we did have a change of address, I start looking into things. Every number I find for her, invalid. Email bounced as well.

I look at property records.

She and her husband bought Property A, in 2003 for $135k.

They adopted in 2007.

House is foreclosed upon in 2008. They owe 390K. House is sold for $250K.

I check the new address. It's owned by someone with the first name and initial that are the same as the husband, but different last name. It had been bought in 2002 by a single guy.

He and I'm guessing ex-wife had bought a different house in 1999. She was the only seller in 2002.


A lot of spaghetti, but very little leads anywhere. I did find the adopter's work place and facebook page though. Perhaps contacting on Tuesday.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Is it just my perception, or are people here on the Hero Board becoming less tolerant and civil?:confused:


If so, I think that's a very bad thing. :(


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks the answer is militant moderism. All you extremists, up against the wall!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Esoteric Random


One of the DBAs here is an avid equestrian. She goes to shows, and wins enough to cover the cost of the trip often enough.


(complete aside, she's about 4' 7 and weighs next to nothing, every time I picture her standing next to a horse I giggle...)


Last summer she called in from a show while I was at work (hey, my department is always open and always answers - we're a sure bet) and needed information on how to help a horse that has stopped sweating.


It's a big deal. Apparently when a horse stops sweating it can die rather quickly. Not being near her vet and not having direct access to medications, she needed a fix.


Turns out - used coffee grinds mixed in with the feed is a rememdy.


Why mention this now? I was talking with her as we walked down the hallway, she brought it up again, apparent one of her philly's did the same thing a few days ago. She did the same trick and it worked pretty close to instantly.


As an aside, she mentioned the one from last year... loves it and tried to steal the feed from the current Horse In Crisis.


I may have contributed to a horses caffeine habit. :thumbup:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


*sigh* I wasn't going to mention this so as not to jinx, but it appears I've got next to no chance now...but...I almost had a 4.0 this first term back; seven classes...5 I should definately, barring some final catastrophy get A's and 2 B's...barring extremes on the wonderfulcrapometer.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


SO today I am getting some groceries (ok Chips and Dr. Pepper) and I see People magazine and on the cover is Bristol Palin in her grad gear holding her baby.


Cover story touts interview in which she says, "If girls knew the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex."


I'm gobsmacked. I thought we taught the consequences of sex in school. Did she miss that day?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


For the last 2 days, all I wanted to do is sleep. I had no trouble sleeping most the day and all night.


So why did it have to be last night when my body decides it DIDN'T want to sleep?

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