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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Not quite mistaken identity but my toon's name is Shado. He is Japanese, wears all black (like avatar originally) and shoots a bow/arrow so everyone assumes he knows martial arts. "I am NOT a ninja!!!" So I've remade his costume to reflect his gadgetter abilities with a techno body suit.


We also fought a villain whose name was Shadow who got away and the police put out a APV on me. That sucked.


I'm not really cranky about this, so I decided to muse on it here. We have another noobie using the term "toon". Maybe someone should warn him? :straight:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I started stabbing myself three weeks ago. By which I mean I started on insulin. The pills simply weren't doing the trick despite the weight loss. I was both terrified and elated by the decision. I've always been needle phobic, but I knew that i was finally going to get the medicine i needed rather than the ever frustrating "Well, see if this works."


I was very pleasantly relieved to discover that stabbing myself is absolutely no trouble at all. I literally cannot feel the micro needles going in. It's very cool. (I still don't like to watch it penetrate the skin, though.)


A funny thought occurred to me the other night: I actually look forward to injecting myself each night. That seems rather odd. I think it's for the reasons that I mention above, actually. One, I know for sure I'm taking a positive step. Two, every time I do it is a small victory. Even though I've done it many times now there's always that involuntary hesitation, that moment of panic as it hits me what I'm about to do. Each time I manage to overcome that fear I score a victory. These added together actually turn this horrifying ritual into a real positive for me.


Now, on to heroin!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Three hours this morning spent at the all-university convocation, sort of the official annual pep rally for staff & faculty. Peculiar observation: all the female speakers, with one exception, had at least 50% of their apparel black. Exactly one of the male speakers wore any black at all, and he's a Jesuit priest in clerical garb. Sample size is about half a dozen of each gender.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Death Magnetic is, in my opinion, the best of their albums since Justice. It is probably closest to that album in terms of overall composition--very long songs, riff after riff after riff. It's a little less thrash than Justice was, but not by much, it has more midrange, and a bit of the atmosphere from the later albums creeps in. But best of all it has no really weak tracks. The album that consists entirely of good songs is extremely rare; even these guys hadn't pulled it off for twenty years.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So like two months ago a young college aged couple had a falling out in the parking lot of my apartment complex and I had the uncomfortable pleasure of going to get my mail during it while they stared at me.


Guess who had another falling out in the parking lot today?


Ah young love. Everyone watch! WHATAREYOULOOKINGAT?!?!?!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I am not in a mood to suffer fools lightly. I have, in the past two weeks, had two completely ridiculous encounters with people who walk about like normal people but whose behavior ended up proving there is something seriously wrong with them. I mean it seemed like an ordinary day, but then there was a "signpost up ahead" I must have missed. And I have lost my patience with both of these idiots - I mean "gave it to them over the head" (verbally) lost my patience with them. The normal people around me have just nodded in agreement that the whole situation was bizarre and these morons were out of line, and just reacted to my response with a "Wow - he's tough!" But still: what is it with some people? Boundaries. Manners. Good Fences. Brain Matter Put To Its Intended Purpose. They make society livable for all of us. They make respect and cordial communication possible. I honestly believe the ashkenazi desire to never confront or directly address serious social issues in the name of "peace" no matter what engenders bad character traits, rudeness, and a tendency towards chaos and bad-behavior. I have had it. People need to think. They have been allowed to walk around "olam-golam" ("the world is filled with robots") for far too long. I am sepharadi. I am a man of fire! Its time! Confrontation!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Minor question: would you be willing to have 10 milliliters of your blood (or, perhaps, 10 more, assuming blood draws are already part of your regular medical exams) once a year as part of a disease screening procedure? How about twice a year?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My problem, I realize now, is that I take things here personally far too much. I know they're not being stupid deliberately to piss me off. I know that their decisions are motivated strictly by bureaucratic process and ignorance.


Except when they do it to screw with me.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Where in the hell did I get so much crap?


I remember a high school teacher, once, discussing an African tribe who carries every single possession on their backs, to show off their wealth*. Part of me envies them. That's the same part that goes completely into denial every time we move.


*I have been unable to substantiate this claim, so don't go repeating it as fact and use me as a source. It just struck me as an interesting story.

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