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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


There's a family of red foxes living in a culvert near the street on my drive home. I've been seeing three or four little ones playing and cavorting in the ditch almost every day for the past couple of weeks. They're really getting big now -- I expect they'll be old enough to leave home soon. It's really a thrill to catch sight of them on my way home. :thumbup:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Everyone needs to congratulate Falcon. He graduated from college this last Friday.


Also, My niece just graduated from Vet school. She is now a Doctor! (Pic below)


From L to R: Her Brother, Me, Dr. Niece, My mom, the proud Dad.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm tired of people arguing with what they think the other poster meant, rather than what he actually posted.


I'm tired of people posting "so you agree with me" when they know that the other poster doesn't.


I'm tired of people arguing that their favorite fictional character could beat another poster's favorite fictional character. It's even worse when they're not trolling.


I'm tired of people citing their many years of experience in X, when every other person in the conversation has at least as much experience.


I'm tired of people who believe that their expertise in one area applies to all areas.


I'm tired of the Internet.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


How stupid am I?


This morning alarm goes off. I reluctantly get up, very tired, didn't sleep well*, and do the usual morning preparations, race to work only to get stopped at the train. I'm going to be late--stupid train! What is the train doing here at 9 am anyway? It's never here at this time. Train finally goes by and I look at the watch to see how late I am: it says 8:02. I'm already two minutes late, but work is just one block away. And I can be...wait, 8:02? 8:02?? I have to be at work at 9... it can't be that early. After several minutes of muddy confusion, I finally realize that the last time I used my alarm clock I had to set it an hour early to be in court. All morning I was only looking at the minutes on the time, never the hours because I thought it was just a given. Oh well, may as well go get breakfast.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I am 36 years old. A child of the 80s. The video game generation. I remember Pong. I remember when Mario was just "The plumber." I used to know the lyrics to Pac-Man Fever. I played on the Atari 400, 800, and 2600.



But god help me... I can't beat level 2 of Frogger.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


When I glanced outside my window when I woke up this morning, there was a little brown rabbit sitting on the hill not two yards from my window.


After my shower, I checked out the window again. There was another one, energetically hopping about on the hill. At one point, he was so deep in grass that the only way I knew he hadn't gone down the other side of the hill was that I could see his ears twitching between the thinner grass at the top of the patch.


My cat, meanwhile, was watching said rabbit raptly, her tail lashing. I had to laugh. The rabbit was almost her size. When I informed her of this, she gave me a withering look, then returned her gaze to the rabbit.

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