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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just watched Zydrunas Savickas win the IFSA Strongman competition.




There are and have been stronger men in one event or another, but seriously, wow.


Also, Andrus Murumets, the Strongman Cop. Wow. If he's not a prime NPC, I don't know who is.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have to wonder about the people who make up physics labs.


The one I just gave, on electric fields and electric charges, includes a portion where the students have to generate some static electricity, put it onto a couple of lightweight objects which end up repelling each other, and computing how much charge was deposited. You have to weigh the objects, measure the separation, do a force analysis.


But ...


The things they've given the kids are ... uh ...


They get two rods (one of clear plastic and one of black hard rubber), each about a foot long and half an inch in diameter. To make static, you rub those with fabrics (there are 4 alternatives supplied).


The lightweight objects are a pair of pith balls, quarter-inch balls hanging on a thread about three inches long.


So ... this being lab class for health/life science majors ... I have a room with a dozen college-age women, all busily rubbing these rods with cloth in their hands, and then touching the rod to the pair of hanging balls, which move apart and hang there stiffly when the procedure works ...




It's not the biggest test of my poker face in my teaching career, but it's up there, especially when a couple of them are looking decidedly self-conscious about what they're doing....


I adopted this lab (someone else wrote it up) without much thought. Now the thoughts I'm having are ... wondering about who came up with this exercise ...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


We're hosting a big party at my apartment tonight for one of my wife's friends who's been living in England. We've been cleaning almost nonstop for the last four days, and my back is killing me. I'm afraid I may get more joy out of the party being over than the party itself. :(

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


From our meeting today:


Supervisor 1: "Oh yeah, and today is Valentine's Day."


Me: "And soon it will be over, Thank god."


Supervisor 2: "Are you one of those people that likes to see the little hearts with knives stuck in them?"


Me: "If by that you mean single, then yes."

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Not sure where else to post this...


Some time in the next couple of weeks I may be out of contact for a week or so. Business trip. Unless I get a laptop by that time, in which case I'll probably be online anyway...


Lucius Alexander


What I need is a palindromedary top computer...

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