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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Time to wash and dry clean the tribble. Must remember to use the spin dry cycle and use fabric softener & the antibacterial/anti-fungal liquid.



Must also not to forget to put him in the dishwasher like last time. :whistle:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


If you hate your job, your students, your customers, or your clients, quit.


Seriously, just quit.


You are hurting people.


Your problems finding other work are beside the point: You are taking out your crappy life on other people. You are causing unprovoked damage to people who have nothing to do with whatever pissed you off. If you have any compassion left in you, any wish to see yourself as or be seen as a worthy human being, quit.


You know it's the right thing to do. Do it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ultimately, our internal dialog is only with ourselves. All that thought, the brain looking at the brain looking at the brain, and no one else to hear it. I wonder if that's why I spent so much time in prayer as a child and teen, and why I spend so much time writing now; to let that dialog out.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


At the NGD News Desk -- in a stunning turn of events:

  • The Tooth Fairy is actually straight
  • Papa Smurf is the victim of another paternity suit
  • And the inventor of "death by chocolate" has been sent to the electric eclair



More details as they come to hand.

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