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Split personalities...


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Yes that's probably a good limitation though it does vary both in fiction and reality.


Another legion by Brandon Sandersonhttp://brandonsanderson.com/books/legion/legion/


Stephen Leeds, AKA “Legion,” is a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate a multitude of personae: hallucinatory entities with a wide variety of personal characteristics and a vast array of highly specialized skills.


in this case I'd use a couple of dozen computer followers with a Psych limit about his need to treat them as actually physically there. Maybe with a couple of overall skill levels to represent them boosting his skills.

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If your GM was up for it, I would allow a player to build five different characters, each with its own unique power set and complications.


The only thing I would insist on them having in common would be Split personality. That would be a very strong psych limitation and totally under control of the GM. Player and GM should then agree what the triggers might be and what, if any, influence the player might have on changes.


There is a LOT of excellent potential in switching out powers and personalities during a game but both player and GM need to be excellent friends and completely on the same page.

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Create one character with a set of varied powers then separate the personalities by power. For example Spider-Man created several personas (The Slingers) so one used only his wall crawling abilities while another persona used his spider sense etc.

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I once did a "villain" character like this. I put that in quotes because one of the personalities was heroic. The overall character was named Pleiades. I allowed precognition in this campaign, always with the limitation that two precogs in opposition muddied the river of time so much, each trying to tug the flow to their own favor, that neither could see anything. (Yes, I've read way too much Dune. What of it?) Well, none of the PC's took precog, so to keep the Constellations (the villain team Pleiades was part of) from just rofflestomping them all the time (their leader was a potent precog), I built the heroic personality of Pleiades with precog...and added Duplication into the powerset along with Multiform. Yep, that's right, occasionally they'd get a "save" from Cassiopeia just anticipating everything they did because either heroic Pleiades was in control of the one body, or the Duplication kicked on, all six of the "sisters" took form, and she joined in with the PC's.


Deux ex? You bet. It was a fun build though, and the players actually loved fighting against the Constellations, because they loved trying to find that one off, so unlikely thing to do that Cass hadn't seen it, or seeing if they could stress Pleiades out enough that she'd have a blow out and let loose the heroic character. They had fun with it. I had fun with it. It was a good time.

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