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Electric Tricks


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I built ELECTROCUTIONER for my JUSTICE LEAGUE campaign. Might be interesting as he is a close combat fighter with only one surprising ranged attack. I never finished so here is just some fragments:


A touch from one of his hands delivers a severe shock, when both his hands touch a victim the circuit is completed and the victim dies:

4d6 w/STR Hand-to-Hand KILLING ATTACK vs. ED, Basis: 3d6 (45); Increased STUN Multiplier: 1d3+1 x STUN (+¼); Knockback: BODY-3d6; Real Weapon (-¼), IAF (-½)

You can't block when I shock:

Hand-to-Hand KILLING ATTACK; Indirect (+¼)


The usual NND:

BLAST 5d6, No Normal Defense Attack, Def: Insulated clothing, not grounded (+1), STUN only (+0); No Knockback (-0); Beam attack (-¼)


Touching metal railings, floor grids, and gates to shock a distant opponent:

Ranged KILLING ATTACK, Limited Range: 30m (-¼); Indirect (+¼),

+10 PRE: Hitting fists against one another to produce crackling discharges

Here is two vids for inspiration:
Batman Arkham Origins: Electrocutioner Boss Fight (funny)



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And totally unrelated except for super electricity: One of my co-players just plays ST. ELMO'S FIRE, who is able to teleport through electrical lines. Interesting because it is a World War II campaign and there are not that many lines all over the world; so he has interesting limitations.

Combine that with me playing INDRA, the Hindu thunderstorm god seriously pissed off the Nazis are misusing his mythology. We are looking forward to interesting combos of my thunder & lightning and ST. ELMO'S FIRE's able to channel electricity.

We still are working on building the mass disarm via electrifying guns.
Either DISPEL or
30 STR TELEKINESIS (??), clumsy: no Fine Work (+0); Area Effect: 5" Radius (+1), selective (+¼); Knockback: BODY-2d6; No Range (-½); Only To Disarm/Grab Objects (-1)

Though this probably is more typical for a hero than for a villain.

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Teleportation via metal or wiring, or by transforming to lightning.


Desolidification by transforming to an electrical form--but this doesn't let you pass through walls unless they're metal.  (Buying Damage Shield linked to Desolid could let you burn through them, so there's that possibility.)


Using electrical absorption to drain the electrical impulses in another person's nervous system, making it more difficult for them to act. (Drain either DEX or END--maybe both.)


Hope that helps.

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Here are a few ideas, depending on how powerful the character is (and/or how tolerant the GM is):


Lightning Strike: Flash vs. Sight and Hearing groups, Area Effect


Electrical Interference: Darkness vs. Radio group, Area Effect. This is great for disrupting communication among mooks and villains, especially if your own team has a Mind Linking telepath.


EMP: Drain/Suppress vs all electrical devices, Area Effect (maybe even Megascale). Potentially expensive and unbalancing, but super effective!


Data Manipulation: Telekinesis, only to perform Computer Programming, Security Systems, and similar skills, Invisible Power Effects. Allows the character to manipulate charges to rewrite hard drives and similar electronic media at a distance without anyone noticing.


And let's not forget that electrical charges in motion naturally create magnetic fields....

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Cosmetic Transformation (hair frizzed out, smells of ozone), Partial Transform, possibly as part of a joint attack.  This is more of a flavor power; if any of the PCs are vain, a mega-bad hair day might get them a bit hot under the collar.


Taser:  Entangle, Takes damage only from target, vs. CON instead of STR.


Electrical Arcing:  Change Environment (-3 to Sight PER), AoE 4m Radius, Personal Immunity, 0 END, No Range.


Electromagnet:  TK, AoE, only to attract / repel metallic items.  Good for disarming a bunch of cops.


Arc Welding:  Major Transform, only vs. metals

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Well, more like heart attack victims whose hearts are beating irregularly. Defibrillation sort of resets things to factory settings (at least hopefully), it doesn't actually bring back flatlined patients like in the movies.


Other options:

Flourescence - Sight Group Images, +4 to PER rolls, Area Of Effect, Only To Create Light


Short Circuit - Dispel, Variable Effect (any one Electronic power at a time)

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That DISPEL, Area Effect by the way is a great possibility to have those OAF players get their limitation bill presented. (After all the -1 for OAF means: Will work only 50% of the time.)

I once had a scene with an electric freak accident villain who before even attacking fried most of the electrics and electronics around him - involuntarily. GREEN ARROW had half a dozen of his special arrow heads explode, BATMAN's utility belt went *frizzle*, and both heroes lost several phases later picking equipment - and then someone on the table said: "Wouldn't that have worked electrically, too?"
ATOM's Bio-Belt got a malfunction Activation roll for that scene, and when he used Shrinking, he did not get the desired size without a scatter roll, which meant: "You miss molecular level by 2 and go sub-atomic" or "Ooops, you grow again and are 2mm now." That really messed up his usual tactic of entering villains' equipment and dismantling them. Because HIS equipment got dismantled ...
And of course the whole team's com links, headsets, and voice changers were gone. (BATMAN was really pleased because he uses Acting for his hoarse voice while ARROW uses a gadget.)
All in all the players had to rethink a lot of standard procedures, improvize, and come up with surprising and heroic new ideas.
In the end they all loved it. Especially the two billionaires when I told them in the aftermath: "Rebuying and reequipping? How much might that cost? 40.000 for your arrows? 150.000 for all those acids and lasers and tools in your belt? Who cares? You buy three new quivers and a dozen utility belts, just to have spares." :cool:

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Well, more like heart attack victims whose hearts are beating irregularly. Defibrillation sort of resets things to factory settings (at least hopefully), it doesn't actually bring back flatlined patients like in the movies.


True. But this is Champions, so it should "revive the almost dead" unless your going for 'people with powers' or 'fact based superpowers'.


But you could write it better than I can.

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Cost Powers

6 Armor +6 rED, Electrical Attacks Only (-1/2)

48 Multipower (60 Points) Not In Water (-1/4)

5 u) EB 10d6 w/Flash [sight] 2d6 [Lightning Bolt]

5 u) EB 8d6, Explosion (+1/2) [Lightning Strike]

5 u) EB 12d6, STUN Only (-0) [stun Bolt]

5 u) Entangle 4d6 DEF 4, Takes No Damage (+1/2) [Paralyzing Shock]

5 u) Force Wall 12 rPD 12 rED [Wall of Electricity]

5 u) RKA 4d6 [Deadly Shock]

12 EC [Electricity]-15 Points, Not In Water (-1/4)

12 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM

17 2) Force Field +12 rPD +12 rED, No END (+1/2)

Total Powers Cost: 125 Points

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