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A Thread for Random Movie Lines


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"Mutiny. I thought that was a word for the Navy."


"Meade will come in slowly, cautiously, new to command.  They'll be on his back from Washington. Wires hot with messages. Attack! Attack! So he will set up a ring around these hills. And when Lee's army is nicely entrenched behind fat rocks on the high ground... Meade will finally attack, if he can coordinate the army. Straight up the hillside, out in the open... in that gorgeous field of fire. We will charge valiantly and be butchered valiantly. And afterward, men in tall hats and gold watch fobs will thump their chest and say what a brave charge it wa!"

Edited by Michael Hopcroft
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"She's not younger than me. She's not skinnier than me. She's not prettier than me. Why couldn't it just be me?"


"Because she's softer than you. She's quieter than you. She doesn't yell at me. She doesn't call me an idiot or tell me to shut up all the time. She listens to me. She's nice to me. She doesn't make me feel like the only thing stopping her from being happy... is me."

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"I'm in charge of this class. I'm the warrior chief. I'm the merciless god of anything that stirs in my universe. You **** with me and you will suffer my wrath."

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"I am not our father. There are so few Vulcans left, we cannot afford to ignore each other."


"Then why did you send Kirk aboard when you alone could have explained the truth?"


"Because you needed each other. I could not deprive you of the revelation of all that you could accomplish together, of a friendship that will define you both in ways you cannot yet realize."


"How did you persuade him to keep your secret?"


"He inferred that universe-ending paradoxes would ensue should he break his promise."


"You lied."


"I... I implied."


"A gamble."


"An act of faith. One I hope that you will repeat in your future in Starfleet."


"In the face of extinction, it is only logical that I resign my Starfleet commission and help rebuild our race."


"And, yet, you can be in two places at once. I urge you to remain in Starfleet. I have already located a suitable planet on which to establish a Vulcan colony. Spock, in this case, do yourself a favor: Put aside logic. Do what feels right."


[turns to leave] 


"Since my customary farewell would appear oddly self-serving, I shall simply say...good luck."

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"Look, I've got a gun out there in my purse. And up to now, I've been forgiving and forgetting because of the way I was brought up. But I'll tell you one thing: If you ever say another word about me or make another indecent proposal, I'm gonna get that gun of mine, and I'm gonna change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot! Don't think I can't do it!'

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  • 4 weeks later...

"France will not follow you."
"France will follow me to the stars, if I give her another victory!"
"You have no choice. You must give up the throne."
"Oh, Ney. The throne? Do you know what the throne is? The throne is an  overdecorated piece of furniture. It's what's behind the throne that counts -- My brains, my ambitions, my desires, my hope, my imagination. And above all my will!"

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Charles Tobin: You're one of the ardent believers - a good American. Oh, there are millions like you. People who play along, without asking questions. I hate to use the word stupid, but it seems to be the only one that applies. The great masses, the moron millions. Well, there are a few of us unwilling to troop along... a few of us who are clever enough to see that there's much more to be done than just live small complacent lives, a few of us in america who desire a more profitable type of government. When you think about it, Mr. Kane, the competence of totalitarian nations is much higher than ours. They get things done.

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'Decent people shouldn't live here. They'd be happier somewhere else."


"Did you dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?"

"What is that>"

"Just something I say to all my victims."


"I now do what other people only dream. I make art until someone dies. See? I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist."


"There is a name for my pain, and it is Batman.:

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Doctor Flamond: You see, a year ago, I was close to perfecting the first magnetic desalinization process so revolutionary, it was capable of removing the salt from over 500 million gallons of seawater a day. Do you realize what that could mean to the starving nations of the earth?
Nick Rivers: Wow. They'd have enough salt to last forever.


Nick Rivers: Hillary. That's an unusual name.

Hillary Flammond: It's a German name. It means 'she whose bosoms defy gravity'.

Nick Rivers: I'm pleased to meet you. My name's Nick.

Hillary Flammond: Nick? What does that mean?

Nick Rivers: Oh, nothing. My dad thought of it while he was shaving.

Edited by Starlord
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Silence, in Polish !


Repeat, please !


I see. So I tell the cabinet, that you're trusting in radar and praying to God, is that right ?

More accurately the other way round. Trusting in God and praying for radar. But the essential arithmetic is that our young men will have to shoot down their young men at the rate of four to one, if we're to keep pace at all.


The engine's overheating, and so am I! Either we stand down, or blow up ! Now which do you want ?


Corporal ?

Sir ?

Where are you taking those vultures ?

Officers to the mess. NCO's to the guard room, sir.

Like hell you are. They're responsible for all that, get'em to clean it up.

But what about the officers, sir ?

Give'em a bloody shovel.


The invasion cannot begin until we have cleared the skies ! - Come, my friends - I have chastised you enough. I am here to help. Anything you need ? Foehn ? Falke ?

Yes, sir, Reichsmarschall. Give me a squadron of Spitfires.


You can teach...
... monkeys to fly better than that !


Where have you been ?
Learning to swim
Did you get one ?
All I got was a bellyful of English Channel !

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