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Gadget Pool. Excuse my noobness please



Gadget Pool  VPP.  I was using Hero Designer and came across this.  So the VPP is 60 points, + 30 points control cost.  But I couldn't add gadgets with 60 active points (came back and said it was because the control cost was too low).  So, I experimented and made it 60 points active, 60 points control, and was able to add the gadgets I wanted with some of them as high as 60 active points.


Am I getting this all totally wrong?  Also, with a Gadget VPP is the idea that the character could carry in Real cost points, the Active + the Control in gadgets?  Meaning, if I had the original 60 point VPP with 30 point Control, could the character carry 60 points worth of gadgets?  Or 90 points of gadgets?


In the example of what I tried to do (60 active, 60 control) could that character carry 120 points of gadgets at a time? 


And is it a correct assumption that the character could potentially have undreds of points of gadgets in his 'arsenal' but only be able to carry a limited point cost's worth of gadgets at any given time?  Just wondering if I'm zeroing in on the right ideas, or if I am waaaaaayyyyy out past left field in the parking lot across the street.

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Here's the official word from the rulebook:



A VPP consists of two parts:  the Pool (the pool of Character Points the character uses to buy powers) and the Control Cost (which dictates how powerful those powers can be).


The Pool costs 1 Character Point per point in the Pool. This indicates the total amount of Real Points’ worth of powers and abilities the character can create with his VPP at any one time.
The Control Cost is 1 Character Point for every 2 points. No power in a VPP can have an Active Point cost greater than the Control Cost.


So, the Pool dictates how many gadgets your character could have at any one time, as measured in Real Points. He could potentially have thousands and thousands of gadgets in his arsenal/supply room/secret lair, or what have you, but the Pool restricts how many he has available for use at any one time. The Control Cost has nothing to do with this; he cannot have 120 points' worth of gadgets at a time.


The Control Cost dictates how powerful the gadgets your character uses can be in Active Points. In your example it's a 60-point limit. So he could have a Blaster Pistol that does Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points), but not one that does Blast 13d6 (65 Active Points).


I don't think you're past left field -- sounds to me like you've grasped most of the basics. If you have any other questions after reading this answer, please post a follow-up. Welcome to Hero!

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