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Limited Advantages



In 4th edition champions the sample character Solitaire has a multipower where every ability has 1/2 end (+1/4) only when she has her OAF (-1) which results in an effective advantage rate of (+1/8).  In this case all the abilities have a base cost of 50 and a real cost of 56 and the multipower has a reserve of 56 points.


1) Is this still allowed in 6th edition?  Is it up to GM fiat?

2) What is the active cost of these abilities? 56 or 62?

3) Is this allowed for other advantages, e.g. penetrating that only works when you gesture?  I know you can make this ability easily with 50 base pts for the ability + 20 for the limited penetrating (25 for penetrating which is then divided by 1.25 for gestures).  But I'm wondering if it would fit into a 70pt multipower reserve or would it need a 75 pt multipower reserve.

4) Does every ability need to have the same limited advantage in order to fit into the small multipower reserve?

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Unfortunately I don't have easy access to my books right now, so I can't give you an exact page reference in 6E Vol. 1, but yes such things are allowed and discussed in the rules. I believe that part of the book will answer all your questions; if you're still unclear after reviewing it, please post a follow-up.

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