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Presence Attack Range



What is the maximum range that a presence attack can reach? Is it LOS like a mental attack or more limited? Does it get weaker if the target is farther away?


If a character was aware of someone watching them from a long distance (like through a sniper scope), could they deliver a presence attack to the observer?


If a character added Area of Effect to their PRE, would it then work at full power versus everyone in the AoE instead of a lesser effect against those not directly targeted?


Could a character add the MegaScale Advantage to PRE? 

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1 answer to this question

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1-2. There is no specified “range” for Presence Attacks. The issue is whether a given person can perceive the character well enough to be affected. This often means being able to clearly hear him talk, but it might be possible for some “communications” to be purely visual. (“Sir! I was watching the enemy ship through a telescope, and their captain just gave us the finger!”  “Launch torpedoes!”)


3.  Presence Attacks are already, in essence, Area Of Effect attacks, since a character can use them against anyone who can perceive him, and that could potentially be hundreds or thousands of people clustered around him. (In fact, that’s one of the things that makes Presence Attacks so effective at times.) So buying Area Of Effect for them is pointless.


4. That’s up to the GM. Personally I doubt I’d allow it unless you have a name like “Zeus” or “Thor” and your job description begins with the words “god(dess) of...”. ;)

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