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Shape Shift + Duplication & Perks

Il Dav


Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm sorry for eventual mistakes, english is not my motherlanguage.


I'm designing an NPC central for a plot:

NPC's main Powers are Shape Shift and Duplication. He use those powers to impersonate simultaneously three different identities, each of them are in high social position (for example, each position requires a 5 point Membership perk). They are all at the same social status, but in three different societies (Member of Higher Nobility in three different reigns).


Since the Duplicates are exact copy of the base Character, have I to give this NPC 3x Membership Perk?

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1 answer to this question

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To make sure I understand the situation and provide the proper answer, I'm going to restate the facts. If I get something wrong, please post a follow-up question or send me a private message.


1. Your character has the ability to create two Duplicates, so that three versions of him can exist at the same time.


2. Your character has the ability to Shape Shift, so that each Duplicate looks like someone different.


3. The base character and Duplicates have all the same powers, Skills, and abilities, except that one is Higher Nobility in Kingdom X, one in Kingdom Y, and one in Kingdom Z.


In this case, you should buy the Altered Duplicates (+1/4) Advantage (6E1 203) for the Duplication power. That allows you to alter up to 25% of the Character Points on each Duplicate's character sheet. So then you just change what the Perk represents, and you're all set.

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