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Healing with an attack


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I to hit someone and just heal myself. So there would not be any limitation based on healing only being able to be used when I hit with a specific attack. Also multi power and VPP aren't allowed in the game I'm in.


This reminds me of some of the necromantic powers from various MMORPGs. You could buy a Healing power with a Trigger advantage and a Self Only limitation on it, and this would then work with any attack you make. If it only works with a specific attack power, you could skip the Trigger advantage and just use Linked instead.

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Mace of Healing: must do damage before it feels good


In the D&D game I (periodically) run, that's actually how Wands of Healing work. You STRIKE the person across the face, and he gets some healing. If he needs more, the ritual response is: "THANK YOU SIR. MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?"


Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Feels Good When I Hit You!: (Total: 32 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn) (32 Active Points); Conditional Power Must hit and do damage to a target (-1), Instant (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10)

Once per turn, if the character hits and damages a target, they may regain 2 BOD by declaring "Feels good when I hit you!"


You can vary this by buying Regeneration up or down, or adding to RECovery for that Turn to regain extra END and STUN too


Feels Good When I Hit You!: (Total: 37 Active Cost, 12 Real Cost) Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn) (32 Active Points); Conditional Power Must hit and do damage to a target (-1), Instant (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) <b>plus</b> +5 REC (5 Active Points); Conditional Power Must hit and do damage to a target (-1) (Real Cost: 2)


You can also change the value of the Conditional Limitation from "Must attempt an attack" at one extreme to "Must hit and do BOD damage with a Haymaker attack" at the other end.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that it could also be made cheaper with a Side Effects Limitation if the character risks acquiring a bad reputation: "Really enjoys hurting people, gets s charge out of it if you know what I mean."

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Someone watched Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable. The healing punch is a power of the stand Crazy Diamond (aka Shining Diamond).

Two things I forgot to mention about Crazy Diamond.


Thing one: Crazy Diamond can not be used to heal it's owner Josuki.


Thing two: Crazy Diamond can not raise the dead. It can make the corpse look good, but no stand can raise the dead.

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I to hit someone and just heal myself. So there would not be any limitation based on healing only being able to be used when I hit with a specific attack. Also multi power and VPP aren't allowed in the game I'm in.

Basically similar to the Transfer mechanic in 5e. Still say to do it as a power on the same line or link the Healing to the Damage. Say that Stun and Body equals what is rolled on the Blast dice. or you can say that you heal equal to the damage that gets though defenses.

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The choices I see are either Healing linked to an attack, or Healing on a Trigger.


If the intent is that the healing is basically unlimited, that gets expensive fast, as it will need the reduced re-use period advantage (normally, Healing has a per day cap). If you go with the Trigger model, that will be a significant advantage as well, as it will presumably reset automatically.


I'd discuss this with the GM. Healing, especially unlimited healing, can be an extremely powerful and potentially unbalancing effect. That's a big part of why this is neither an easy concept nor an inexpensive one.

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