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Change Environment Explosion



In the case of Change Environment with the Explosion Advantage applied to it, my understanding is it will lose 5 Active Points per 2 meters out past the center zone. In the case of Change Environment that affects multiple things, how would you reduce the effect in the following example power?


Confusion Zone: Change Environment (-4 to Normal Sight PER Rolls, -4 to EGO Roll), Persistent (+1/4), Area Of Effect (16m Radius Explosion; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); (45 Active Points)


For each reduction of the penalty to PER, the Active Points fall by about 5 points, but the EGO roll penalty falls off by about 7 Active Points with each reduction.


For each two meters outward, would it just alternate between each penalty?


So I move outside the center two meters, the PER penalty is now -3 and the EGO penalty remains -4? I go out another two meters and the EGO penalty is now -3?


Does that seem like the correct way to do it, alternating back and forth between penalties? Or would I first reduce one penalty all the way to zero and then do the other one?


If the above power was just built with the EGO penalty, how would it lose levels of penalty? The first two meter move outward drops 5 Active Points, but each level of penalty is worth about 7 Active Points. Would it lose one level of penalty at two meters (-5 Active Points) then not lose another level of penalty until four more meters outward (-10 more Active Points)?

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There are so many possible permutations of Change Environment that it’s pointless to try to establish a hard and fast rule for how it works as an Explosion. This is what GMs are for. In his profound wisdom and insight, the GM can work with the player to figure out how the CE “drops off” as the Explosion spreads in a way that’s balanced and fun. ;)

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