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Story from WaPo I read last night said that many House Republicans are *wildly* irate with Gaetz...to the point of considering expulsion.  Not that it'll happen;  the fundamental party-identity politics rule it out. 


Looks like a major sticking point now, is gonna be the motion to vacate.  Sounds like there's considerable support to eliminate it...or, at least, make it harder to bring.  McConnell even noted it made the speaker's job "impossible."  But...ya gotta figure that at least the 8 who voted to oust, will be against any change.


My feeling is, McCarthy gave Gaetz his path, and Gaetz took it.  Gaetz has always felt like a semi-feral dog...and now, he's had his taste of blood.  He's not going to let go of what he's gained easily.

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It's tempting to think of putting Trump's monumental ineptitude and pettiness on display like that. Even his cultists would have a hard time denying the evidence of what he really is. But if the recent House of Representatives has been an ineffective clown show, under Trump's "leadership" it would be a full-on Roman circus presided over by Caligula.

Edited by Lord Liaden
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No. Trump as Speaker would be two bullets away from regaining the White House, and I truly believe that thousands of Americans would like to try making the shot. (Plus an unknown number of Russian and Chinese agents.) And millions would cheer if it happened.


Fortunately, it's hypothetical because I am also persuaded that aq sufficient number of Republican Reps now see Trump as a liability that the scenario could never happen.


Dean Shomshak

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I'll pass on whether the Russians or Chinese might try a double assassination...but unfortunately, I have to agree...there's very likely a group that would try to pull it off.  


Plus, I think Trump as Speaker would

a)  mire the House in infinite points of order/points of privilege as he ignores rules left and right...but gets called on them.  

b)  I think he'd welcome a shutdown.  With open arms.


But I also agree that Trump won't actually make it...however, I suspect some Rep will continue to nominate him unless/until we come draw close to naming a new Speaker.  Why?  Simple.  Place the name in nomination, you get...how long was it, 3, 5 minutes or so, I think...of *uninterrupted* time to sing the praises of the man being nominated!!!  AFAIK, there's no rule to stop this.  And the more I think of that, the more my stomach churns.  Lordy, it was bad enough watching the election last time.  If Trump gets repeatedly nominated, it'd be completely unwatchable.

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Rule 26—Temporary Step Aside of a Member of Leadership who is Indicted

(a) A member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.

(b) If a member of the Republican Elected Leadership is indicted, the Republican Conference shall meet and elect a Member to temporarily serve in that position.

(c) If a member of the Republican Leadership resigns pursuant to this rule, and subsequently during that Congress is acquitted or the charges are dismissed or reduced to less than a felony as described in paragraph (a), such Member shall resume the position from which they resigned, unless the Republican Conference decides otherwise within 10 legislative days.


From https://www.gop.gov/conference-rules-of-the-118th-congress/


Trump isn't eligible by the Republican Party's own rules to be Speaker of the House.

Of course, Republicans haven't been known for following rules lately.

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Armed Man Seeking Wisconsin Governor Arrested In State Capitol — Then Returned With Assault Rifle


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A man illegally brought a loaded handgun into the Wisconsin Capitol, demanding to see Gov. Tony Evers, and returned at night with an assault rifle after posting bail, a spokesperson for the state said Thursday.

The man, who was shirtless and had a holstered handgun, approached the governor’s office on the first floor of the Capitol around 2 p.m. Wednesday, state Department of Administration spokesperson Tatyana Warrick said. The man was demanding to see the governor, who was not in the building at the time, Warrick said.

A Capitol police officer sits at a desk outside of a suite of rooms that includes the governor’s office, conference room and offices for the attorney general.

The man was taken into custody for openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol, which is against the law, Warrick said. Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit. The man arrested did not have a concealed carry permit, Warrick said.


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The judge's summary judgment is like a consolidation of points made repeatedly in, for example, the election challenges...all rolled up into one, then SMACKED upside Trump's head.  


And this is all in New York state court...so if Trump does get re-elected, there's still little to be done.  It's possible he could try to avoid divesting the overseas assets...maybe even properties not in New York, like Mar a Lago.  That's getting much too deep into legal nuances.  But, his New York properties...there's nothing he could do.

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6 hours ago, tkdguy said:



Yet President Biden's approval rating isn't high. Why is that? I know a few people who said they don't dislike Pres. Biden, but there's nothing that draws them to him. I think his administration needs to showcase his accomplishments more aggressively.

Good political news rarely makes the headlines, and some news organisations are a bit dirty on how pro-union he is

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6 hours ago, tkdguy said:



Yet President Biden's approval rating isn't high. Why is that? I know a few people who said they don't dislike Pres. Biden, but there's nothing that draws them to him. I think his administration needs to showcase his accomplishments more aggressively.

Because the American people don't want a moderately competent (and competently moderate) politician. Biden offers no myth, no glamour (in either the modern or archaic senses of the word). He's neither an amusing entertainer, a rabble-rousing firebrand, nor the anointed prophet of God. There's no great story to "Guy beavers away for decades, finally works his way into the job he sought, and does okay at it."


Donald Trump is supremely skilled at making people care about him, one way or another. He is an entertainer and firebrand, and convinced his cult he is the anointed prophet of God. Even if he is ruined in business and sent to jail for his crimes, the 2024 election may be a coin toss because it's hard to beat exciting with dull... at least for a populace that confuses politics with TV.


Dean Shomshak

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Definitely gonna be actively campaigning this cycle. Some of the folks I volunteered with are already at it.


And yes, I do think the media is responsible in a large part for Trump. Even the ones bashing him give him more air time than other candidates who are more qualified and less deranged.

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The Democratic Party has for many years been terrible at messaging. They've never been willing to play the hard-sell and blame games that the Republicans have indulged in for so long. Maybe that's because the Party is actually a coalition of a spectrum of political advocates, who can't really agree on a single message. Or perhaps what draws the diverse Dems together actually is a belief in fairness and compassion, and they're not willing to attack their political rivals and inflame the public.


But I have started to see more Democrat politicians get into the faces of Republicans and start calling out their BS for what it is. I see more of them, up to and including Joe Biden, proclaim their successes louder. They need to do a lot more of that to counter the GOP's brain toxin before the 2024 elections.

Edited by Lord Liaden
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Actually the Democrats have been quite aggressive about getting the word out for a few years now. During the 2020 election, we not only made phone calls, but we also texted people and sent postcards and letters. That also worked for Gavin Newsom when he was facing a recall attempt.


I am glad to see more Democrats calling out the Republicans' BS. I think it was long overdue.

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