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19 hours ago, Ragitsu said:

A business card for a group calling themselves "MAGAM" appeared in the mailbox.


1 hour ago, BoloOfEarth said:


Make America Great Again Maybe?


40 minutes ago, Ragitsu said:


Sorry: the description on the card has already been forgotten.


So definitely not Make America Great And Memorable.

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Does Trump understand the legalities? Maybe, maybe not. Would that matter to him? When has it ever?


If the sheriff's department, the county or the state want to get that money from Trump, they'd better reserve an apartment near the courthouse. They'll be there a loooong time.

Edited by Lord Liaden
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US pro-birth conference’s links to far-right eugenicists


Dolan was at one time a social media influencer connected to the far-right Mormon “Deznat” or “Deseret nationalist” subculture and has himself linked the conference’s theme with eugenics in interviews.

On 13 June, Dolan was a guest on the Jolly Heretic podcast, hosted by Edward Dutton, an Englishman who left an academic position in Finland after his university found that a work he co-authored with the self-described “scientific racist” Richard Lynn plagiarized a student’s dissertation. Dutton once served as editor of the eugenicist journal Mankind Quarterly and is listed as a Natal speaker.

In his conversation with Dutton, Dolan said: “I think that the pro-natalist and the eugenic positions are very much not in opposition, they’re very much aligned.”


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On 9/2/2023 at 6:23 AM, Cygnia said:

It seems to me the fundies cleave more to Paul than Jesus... 😕

This relates to a book I just finished and which I will recommend: The Shipwrecked Mind: On Political Reaction, by Mark Lilla. He argues that reaction is just as important a political force as revolution, though much less studied. They are in a sense mirrors of each other: The revolutionary hates the world as it is because it isn't the Golden Age to come; the reactionary hates the world as it is because it isn't the Golden Age that was lost. But while the revolutionary is driven by hope, the reactionary is driven by despair.


Despite the subtitle, not much of Lilla's book is about politics directly. He's a Humanities professor, not PoliSci, so he looks at philosophers, novelists, and other scribblers, not polirticians and activists; the people who provide the intellectual underpinnings and express cultural moods.


One chapter is, "From Mao to Saint Paul." Apparently the "apostle of the heretics" (early Church father Tertullian) has become rather popular with disappointed Marxists who sigh for the lost Golden Age of revolution. I won't even try to summarize the argument, but the Epistle to the Romans provides much to attract both Christian fanatics and secular revolutionaries:



Consider these extraordinarily pregnant passages from the Epistle: "We hold that a person is justified by faith apart from works prescribed by the law" (3:28). Does this mean that pure interior faith trumps all law, whether Jewish, Roman, Greek -- or modern? Or that works are without ultimate importance? "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is lord of all" (10:12). Does that mean the absolute universality of the new religion and moral precepts, abolishing all cultural particularity? "And those he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified. What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?" (8:30-31). Does this mean, following the previous verses, that those called by God are justified in tearing down the law and bringing the world universal truth even against resistance? These heretical interpretations may be philologically unsound, but what does philology matter when, as Paul himself put it, "creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God" (*:19)?

One of St Paul's biggest recent fans is an unapologetic French Maoist who argues that the megadeath massacres of Stalin, Mao and other revolutionaries, Marxist and otherwise, are okay because revolutionary enthusiasm places a society "beyond good and evil," and "each revolution justifies the ones that came before" in a chain going all the way back to Moses. Though Judaism, he thinks, has become reactionary and so something must be done about the Jews.


Other topics include the perennial "Decline of the West" genre, Jihadists, French novelists, Jewish philosophers, Neocon fustian, and TradCaths sighing for the supposed "harmony and coherence" of the Medieval Catholic world. All in all, an interesting tour of people whose heads are in places I find very strange. Good inspiration for supervillains, too.


Dean Shomshak

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This graphic was included in a piece about abortion from NYT this morning.





Also, this chart:




The graph showing the growth in the states bordering the ban states pretty clearly that those who need to, and can afford to, travel, they will. To Mexico, tho?  I'll stipulate to a reputable facility...that said, that wouldn't always be true by any means, but it's also not 100% true in the US...but would US insurance cover the procedure *in Mexico*?

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48 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

The graph showing the growth in the states bordering the ban states pretty clearly that those who need to, and can afford to, travel, they will. To Mexico, tho?  I'll stipulate to a reputable facility...that said, that wouldn't always be true by any means, but it's also not 100% true in the US...but would US insurance cover the procedure *in Mexico*?


The people with money to travel, and not needing health insurance, will be able to bypass any abortion ban. Even states which have threatened to prosecute those who travel elsewhere for abortions, will not prosecute the rich... because they're rich. Once again, it's the poor, the ones most negatively impacted by unwanted pregnancy, who'll suffer. :angry:

Edited by Lord Liaden
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The US Open became the latest victim of idiots claiming to be "environmental activists" being disruptive.  There were 4;  3 were led out easily enough apparently...but the 4th abject <BLEEP> *glued their bare feet to the cement floor*.  Yeah, that took some work to take this one out safely.  Surprise, moron...the city is likely to bill you for the cost of the emergency services call.  On top of the criminal charges, which probably are going to be notably stiffer than for the 3 that were removed without incident.  


The match was delayed for 49 minutes.  I hope the clown can be charged with a felony.  Actions like this are, IMO, incur far more negative reactions towards climate change.  It just complements the disinformation campaigns that, no, there's nothing to worry about, by giving them a ready target.  See?  These are the types that support climate change!

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