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2 hours ago, Hermit said:

Okay. Biden went to Ukraine before stopping at Poland.

Honestly, he wasn't my preferred choice for President out of the Dems,  and there are policies I disagree on, but damn... respect to him. He's done this before the anniversary of the Invasion when Putin is feared to launch a missile Barrage (And still might). It would be crazy of Russia to attack Kyiv while an American President was there so Biden was PROBABLY safe but he still took a risk to show up and show support because 'sanity' isn't as reliable as it used to be.


Does it stop Russia's aggression? No, but I suspect it does wonders for Ukrainian Morale

I just finished the Atlantic article on Biden's visit. I wouldn't go as far as the article in saying Biden just crushed Putin's last hope -- that the US would get tired and go home 'cuz war is hard -- by this show of resolve. But I'll agree the different optics for the two leaders is striking. Biden strolling down a street in Kyiv with Zelensky, stopping to shake hands, slap backs and chat with people he meets; compared to Putin keeping even his cronies and subordinates at least 20 feet away, meeting "ordinary Russians" (whom close observers say are the same group of actors in different roles) in obviously scripted events. Biden shows serene confidence in his safety; Putin tries to projevct grandeur, but betrays the paranoia of fear.


Dean Shomshak

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2 hours ago, Cygnia said:


I thought at first that DeSantis's campaign was mostly politically motivated, but this kind of intimidation smacks of sheer pettiness and spite. I don't think this is just currying favor with his base. I believe this is who Ron DeSantis really is, and what he really wants.

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Perun's latest goes Big Picture, considering Russia's strategic objectives in Ukraine -- and, like many of us have seen and said here, concluding that Putin has failed in all of them. ll that's left is how catastrophic the failure is, and whether Ukraine and its allies can emerge with some form of victory (because Russia losing doesn't mean Ukraine wins). But of special interest to me is Perun's commentary on the Russian way of seeing the world, Russia's place in it, and consequently what Putin thinks his strategic goals *are.* This specific war is Putin's choice, but it arises from ways of thinking with deep roots -- and is failing because of fallacies and mistakes that also have deep roots. A sobering reminder that any country, however many advantages it possesses, can squander those assets and destroy its own power. And those who do not learn from history may be doomed, period.



Dean Shomshak

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When it came to expanding Russia's influence and prestige in the world, and undercutting those of NATO and the West, Putin lost the war in the first few weeks. Nothing that could happen afterward can change that.


And the attitudes and world view of many Russians (although far from all) are why Russia's neighbors continue to fear it. They know from experience that the bear is never tamed.

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Something that has come up here locally (I actually didn't know which thread to post it in, but decided on this one because it is kind of about a proposed new law), Representatives here in NC want to ban the use of mug shots in public forums. They state that it compromises the future of people with minor crimes by being identified by hypothetical employers and others.


This is the opposite of laws being put in effect to keep police body camera footage from the public except by a subpoena by other reps.


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Today on All Things Considered, host Ari Shapiro interviewed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the war in Ukraine. I won't bother providing a link, because the questions and answers were boilerplate I suspect we've all heard before. I just want to grouse about two things I found irritating.


First, Shapiro prefaced a question about Ukraine negotiating with Russia by noting that US General Mark Milley had opined that Ukraine couldn't expel Russia from all its territory. This was misinformation by omission. I checked. Gen'l Milley's actual words, quoted in a VOA article, were that Ukraine couldn't completely expel Russia "anytime soon." Important qualifier, that, if one has resolve and an attention span longer than one season of a TV show. AFAIK Milley never said that Ukraine's goal of reclaiming all its territory was forever hopeless.


Second, Shapiro asked, "How does this end?" Sec'y Austin rightly pointed out (again) that Vladimir Putin is the one who coulod end the war with a word, and the US isn't forcing any resolutions on Ukraine. As the soin of a journalist, I also find it unprofessional to ask questions about future events that the person asked does not control. I hate to say Donald Trump was ever right about anything, but I give him at least mild props for occasionally meeting such questions about the future with a response of, more or less, "I hope it works, let's see what happens." Because that's the best any of us can do.


Dean Shomshak



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15 hours ago, BNakagawa said:

Today I Learned: California is the partner of Ukraine in the State Partnership Program.


This partnership started in 1993 and has included in the past unit(s) of that state's National guard deploying to the partner country. Obviously not right now though.


Unsurprisingly, Georgia's partner state is Georgia.


Bulgaria got Tennessee...which makes my state sound like prickly heat.

Apparently this was partly decided because geography and population size between the two is similar. If I had money to burn I might visit just out of curiosity. Of course, I don't speak Bulgarian, and I wonder how many of them speak mangled Tennesean. Ah well.



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I'd been hearing good things about Matt "We should improve society somewhat" Bors' Justice Warriors comic book and now that I have the trade paperback that includes the first six issues (plus some bonus content) I have to say it really is pretty danged good. It's set in a dystopian future where a small elite hoard all the wealth while they enjoy life removed from the rest of society. The political leader is both stupid and vain, and is surrounded by self-serving and craven political advisors. Obvious pump-and-dump schemes are perpetrated on the populace without any repercussions. Police see it as their job to protect property at all costs, and will kill any member of the teeming masses who steps out of line.


But despite that wildly improbable premise, the story is very good. And the setting would be great for a Champions campaign. It's hard not to take campaign notes as I read it.


Worth checking out if you're into political comics, dystopian settings, and the like.


(Posted here in the Politics thread because the content is very political. If this isn't the appropriate place, let me know.)

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10 hours ago, BoloOfEarth said:


Would "English" be "mangled Tennesean"?  Or is Tennesean actually mangled English?


Well,let's just say our figures of speech include the well known "Bless your heart" which half the time translates to 'You're so stupid that I think you could get run over by a parked car' or something similar, but also mixes in Applachianisms like 'I don't care to' which means 'Sure, I'll do it'


Jokes aside, politically the state is a mess right now as the GOP Dominated State legislature goes after ANY LGBTQ+ folks it can instead of actually tackling issues that would help its citizens...

for example, Drag Shows will soon be a felony it seems


Yes, state Budget will be spent on enforcing this


EDIT: I Should add, this bill could be used to squelch pride parades. One upcoming in Knoxville has already reported been called off for the fear of arrests.

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1 hour ago, Hermit said:


Well,let's just say our figures of speech include the well known "Bless your heart" which half the time translates to 'You're so stupid that I think you could get run over by a parked car' or something similar, but also mixes in Applachianisms like 'I don't care to' which means 'Sure, I'll do it'


Jokes aside, politically the state is a mess right now as the GOP Dominated State legislature goes after ANY LGBTQ+ folks it can instead of actually tackling issues that would help its citizens...

for example, Drag Shows will soon be a felony it seems


Yes, state Budget will be spent on enforcing this


EDIT: I Should add, this bill could be used to squelch pride parades. One upcoming in Knoxville has already reported been called off for the fear of arrests.


I've read about this bill. It is unconstitutional AF. Even with our current SCOTUS, I don't see it having a chance.  However, I suspect that the idea is to rile people up more than to pass actual, constitutionally enforceable law.  The numbers of young people who identify as nonbinary or trans has risen significantly, and this is freaking out a lot of people.  So, socially conservative politicians are finding anti-trans stunts a good way to both energize their base and attract new support.  IOWs, laws like this are going to keep on coming.

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