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33 minutes ago, Cygnia said:

I haven't received ANY Democrat junk mail yet.  Plenty of Republican junk mail though -- and of the "Other side is EVIL LIBRUL~!" bile rather than "this is how we'll improve your life".


Well, the Congressional race is Vasquez v. Herrell round 2.  Vasquez booted Herrell out of her comfy chair next to MTG and Boebert in '22.  Wouldn't be at all surprised this is viewed as an important district for both sides.


The pro-Vasquez stuff pushes Herrell's total abortion ban stand;  it may well be the best issue they have.  The pro-Herrell flyers try to push the usual border issues, blame the Dems for inflation, etc. etc.  Yeah, same old, same old.

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1 hour ago, Cygnia said:

I haven't received ANY Democrat junk mail yet.  Plenty of Republican junk mail though -- and of the "Other side is EVIL LIBRUL~!" bile rather than "this is how we'll improve your life".


It's sad how much campaigning in any nation seems to be "Don't vote for the other guys because horrible things" rather than "You should vote for us and here's why".  I'd like to leave a polling station feeling like I voted FOR something rather than AGAINST something...

Obviously, however, this kind of messaging is getting the votes. If it resulted in losses at the polls, it would end.

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I've had 3 very fancy envelopes from the RNC, all branded to look like DJT stationery, and a ton of those light glossy cardstock mailers that all read like they were cribbed from "The Mob Song" from Beauty and the Beast. The Republicans never seem to mention down-ticket races. There's been a few mailers for the Democrats, but they usually have Kamala/Tim on one side, and local campaigns on the other, and skew more positive in their tone.


I've contributed to Democrat-aligned groups this cycle, which means that my email is blitzed with between 11 and 20 emails per day that get filtered to a Political folder for easy disposal, and another 3 to 6 per day asking for me to support Elissa Slotkin* that get automatically filtered into Spam.  I get a ton of text messages on my phone, though most of them get routed into "Spam and Block" automatically. As for actual calls, the home phone is filtered through NoMoRobo as part of the VoIP service, and the cell uses a Google assistant to prescreen unknown numbers.


Last Friday, I had a young gentleman going door to door for the state Democratic Party. He was very polite, and we had a good conversation about local candidates and issues. He was very happy after our conversation, and I, too, felt glad that the younger generation is very motivated this election.



* I'm not sure which state, but it's not Nevada. I'm not really interested in reading the emails to find out.

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On 9/29/2024 at 2:44 PM, Cygnia said:

I haven't received ANY Democrat junk mail yet.  Plenty of Republican junk mail though -- and of the "Other side is EVIL LIBRUL~!" bile rather than "this is how we'll improve your life".

Finally got Democrat junk mail -- and, for once, it was of the "improve your life" flavor (support unions, bodily autonomy, LGBTQIA+ rights et al.)

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10 minutes ago, Cygnia said:

Even before the comparisons, Trump’s campaign issued a denial that his remarks amounted to a policy proposal.

A campaign official told Politico that the ex-president was “clearly just floating it in jest”.


Oh, please.  Anyone who can make a remark like that...and, good gosh yes, my first thought was The Purge, and I can't be alone here on that...even if intended as a joke, shows execrable judgment.  


And how many people think it was a jest?  It isn't something he could pull off...but I don't believe for a minute it was a joke.


NYT Editorial Board endorsed Harris this morning.  



This pick flows from our long-held view that Donald Trump is profoundly unworthy of the job — the former president has demonstrated, again and again, that he is morally and temperamentally disqualified from leading the United States. 


So this is more of the same.

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Wow.  Not a good type either.


Many of you have probably seen the Trump ad, attacking Harris for her position about supportive care, including transgender surgery, for prisoners.  I'm like...geeze, this is pretty darn representative of Trumpers, isn't it?  To me, it's like...come on, you have nothing substantive to attack, so you go for the cheap shot?


Yes, well, Yvette Herrell is pulling the same BS.  Just seen, while watching the Seahawks-Lions, which has had a nauseating number of ads.  Herrell's pulling out a variant...attacking Vasquez for allowing transgender males into girls' sports in schools...and saying the girls are getting hurt as a result.  


I'm sure this ad plays well to the MAGA base, but...wow.  I suppose it's the tactical counter to the attacks on Herrell for her abortion-ban support, but the abortion issue is IMO orders of magnitude more significant.

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9 hours ago, unclevlad said:

Wow.  Not a good type either.


Many of you have probably seen the Trump ad, attacking Harris for her position about supportive care, including transgender surgery, for prisoners.  I'm like...geeze, this is pretty darn representative of Trumpers, isn't it?  To me, it's like...come on, you have nothing substantive to attack, so you go for the cheap shot?


Yes, well, Yvette Herrell is pulling the same BS.  Just seen, while watching the Seahawks-Lions, which has had a nauseating number of ads.  Herrell's pulling out a variant...attacking Vasquez for allowing transgender males into girls' sports in schools...and saying the girls are getting hurt as a result.  


I'm sure this ad plays well to the MAGA base, but...wow.  I suppose it's the tactical counter to the attacks on Herrell for her abortion-ban support, but the abortion issue is IMO orders of magnitude more significant.

...I wonder if it's produced by the same group currently running similar vile ads against Sherrod Brown here in OH...

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A worrisome theory from the NYT climate newsletter.  Hurricanes generally weaken when they move inland because they lose connection to their underlying water supply.



But Helene may have gotten an extra boost from the damp grounds left by rains that swept through the region before it hit Asheville, experts told Zhong. Scientists call this phenomenon the brown-ocean effect, because it causes waterlogged soil to influence a storm in the same way the sea surface does.


“If you have wet and hot soil, then we are really priming the land” to juice up a storm, Dev Niyogi, an earth and planetary sciences professor at the University of Texas at Austin, told Zhong.


Down here, we've certainly seen similar things...even if a short, sharp storm comes through mid-afternoon, then clears out...the night's going to be sticky...as the water evaporates from the ground.  That also always seems to impact cloud formation the next day.  Expand that from our rain...usually relatively local, relatively low-quantity precip...to thousands of square miles getting LOTS of rain...and yeah, I can see it.


It also fits with the concerns about sea surface temperature increases driving the formation of more, and stronger, storms, which is generally much better established.

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Vance was smooth, but his responses were just evasions and falsehoods. His "damning non-answer" was just one of many. Still, his performance underscored how unhinged Trump is, which is yet another reason to vote for Harris.


I was surprised how normal the debate sounded. Americans seem to have forgotten how they're supposed to be. At least one news outlet called it a "snoozefest," which only shows how we've become so used to all the circus American politics has become in the last 8 years.

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This kind of thing doesn't help:


PBS citing one (of multitudes) lie by Vance, and one somewhat false claim by Walz, creates a false equivalency in the minds of short attention span viewers. The fact is, Walz exaggerates then says he simply misspoke. He's a politician. But there is at least a kernel of truth in statements he's been called out on. The Trump campaign's lies are larger, and far, far more frequent, with not a shred of truth to be found anywhere.


The debate format with no live fact checking was pathetic, and this kind of soundbite sized coverage is also pathetic, and I think, harmful. PBS does have some longer videos covering the debate, but these "one from each side" things need to stop.


EDIT: Here's a BBC Article doing the same thing. Just two fact checks for each candidate. Vance didn't utter anything at all that was remotely true during the debate, yet the BBC "fact check" only calls out two for each candidate.

Edited by Pattern Ghost
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2 hours ago, tkdguy said:


I was surprised how normal the debate sounded.


That was just a debate tactic by Vance, TBH. His mission was to deliver a firehose flood of lies without looking as unhinged as Trump looks, and being cordial was his way of doing it. That trapped Walz into not being able to go aggressively on the offense at the outset, since he'd look like the bad guy. Walz seemed to have gotten past that a bit more at the latter part of the debate, and was a bit more assertive though.

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5 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:


That was just a debate tactic by Vance, TBH. His mission was to deliver a firehose flood of lies without looking as unhinged as Trump looks, and being cordial was his way of doing it. That trapped Walz into not being able to go aggressively on the offense at the outset, since he'd look like the bad guy. Walz seemed to have gotten past that a bit more at the latter part of the debate, and was a bit more assertive though.


Unfortunately, his performance seems to have fooled a lot of folks who weren't listening too closely. Others were not fooled; they compared Vance with the stereotypical shady saleman. IMHO Walz won 100% on substance, even though he seemed a bit shaky at first. And he was able to trap Vance by asking him if he admitted Trump lost in 2020. Vance's refusal to do so is making lots of waves.

Edited by tkdguy
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1 hour ago, tkdguy said:


And he was able to trap Vance by asking him if he admitted Trump lost in 2020. Vance's refusal to do so is making lots of waves.


The Harris campaign immediately turned that clip into a campaign ad.  It's especially funny because Trump finally admitted he lost the election last year.  The admission was viewed dimly by the insurrectionists who served hard time out of loyalty to their Führer.

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Trump says he would revoke Temporary Protected Status for Haitian migrants in Springfield if elected


From the September 10 debate through September 20, Springfield received more than 35 threats of violence, including bomb threats, according to Springfield Mayor Rob Rue. The threats prompted evacuations of elementary schools and supermarkets, lockdowns of hospitals and a transition to remote learning at several local colleges.


Rue, Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine and other local officials have decried the rumors as false and destructive to the community. A staffer for Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s running mate who helped to propel the misinformation, was told early last month by Springfield City Manager Bryan Heck that “there was no verifiable evidence or reports to show” that the rumors are true, CNN reported.

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