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With the way the Supreme Court has been acting lately I have been wondering about ways that they can be brought back under control. Here is a basic concept that should work. Require all judges at all levels (especially Supreme Court Justices). The moment they start their shift that device starts recording all sound and video and sends it to a central location that is automatically loaded onto the open nets for everyone to view,  no passwords, pay walls, or other barriers. If this is declared illegal,  then no law enforcement officer can use such a device.  Since their use of these devices has already been through the court and ruled legal,  the Supreme Court should apply the same standard upon themselves. 

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On Boebert...note that she didn't run in her old district.  She shifted over to Ken Buck's district, as he's retiring.  Buck wasn't as bad as Boebert...but few are...still, he was another Freedom Caucus member.  


So unfortunately, there's gonna be districts where the Greenes and Boeberts can safely ensconce themselves.  We'll see who comes out of her former district.



With the way the Supreme Court has been acting lately I have been wondering about ways that they can be brought back under control. Here is a basic concept that should work. Require all judges at all levels (especially Supreme Court Justices). The moment they start their shift that device starts recording all sound and video and sends it to a central location that is automatically loaded onto the open nets for everyone to view,  no passwords, pay walls, or other barriers. If this is declared illegal,  then no law enforcement officer can use such a device.  Since their use of these devices has already been through the court and ruled legal,  the Supreme Court should apply the same standard upon themselves. 


No, it wouldn't work at all.  It's an awful idea.  To start, what problem is this trying to address, and how will it fix that problem?  


And equating this kind of recording with body cams?  WHAT?  The interactions are totally different.

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You can basically bring the SCOTUS back under control in the same way you bring the Legislative and Executive branches of government under control. They’re interdependent branches of government, and change is typically over time. Vote, engage in local politics (all politics are local, from differing perspectives to the folks who will one day run for State and Federal office), engage in democratic process.


 It’s not an exciting answer, but it has the advantage of being both available to everyone and a personal source of action that can conceivably make a difference.

Edited by Iuz the Evil
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7 hours ago, Iuz the Evil said:

Vote, engage in local politics (all politics are local, from differing perspectives to the folks who will one day run for State and Federal office), engage in democratic process.


Great answer.  We are lazy.  We want all the benefits of a democratic society without the effort of actually participating.  And then we like to castigate the politicians that do participate.


It is like wanting all the benefits of a socialist society (the good, free to access, medicine, education, mental health support, affordable housing, heating (and cooling)) without the taxes needed to deliver that.



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I have always been in favor of limiting the time Supreme Court Justice is on the bench. I would make it for a ten year term,  but am willing to debate that. The greatest problem here is that this requires a constitution amendment,  which I doubt stands a chance. I would also make similar term limits (limiting to one term)for every elected official,  regardless if they are in congress or president. 

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41 minutes ago, Asperion said:

I have always been in favor of limiting the time Supreme Court Justice is on the bench. I would make it for a ten year term,  but am willing to debate that. The greatest problem here is that this requires a constitution amendment,  which I doubt stands a chance. I would also make similar term limits (limiting to one term)for every elected official,  regardless if they are in congress or president. 


Supreme Court:  term limits might be good, but all you might do is make it easier to hijack the Court as the Republicans did...refusing to consider an Obama nominee then steamrolling Barrett through, while using ideological adherence to be the major touchstone with the 3 nominees Trump selected, including Barrett.


But this doesn't address the problems with Thomas and Alito.


Limiting Congressmen to 1 term has several downsides.

1.  It takes a while to learn the job properly.

2.  I'd be concerned it works better for the firebrands...both during elections and once in office.  

3.  An indirect consequence might be that administrative agencies gain more power...because they're largely more stable, with more experienced people.  IIRC, the Cabinet secretaries and their direct undersecretaries are nominated and confirmed, but that leaves people in charge of *large* groups as career bureaucratic positions.  How much can a legislator who's only 6 months in office, push back?


So, this has potentially major instability built in.


The problem isn't term limits, it's that the political process has been converted into a zero-sum game.  The fundamental underpinnings of the process have become non-democratic.  Which is NOT new, it's just being taken to greater extremes.  Changing how district maps are drawn...that's something that wouldn't necessarily require a Constitutional amendment, at least at the federal level, and eliminating gerrymandering should go a long way to improving legislative accountability.  BUT, we bloody well know the majority party in every state would scream.  Without an amendment, it'd have to be pushed on a state-by-state basis, which would be incredibly slow...and highly partisan states would likely drag their heels, particularly WRT redrawing House districts, to maximize their influence.  Ergo, a piecemeal implementation might well make things *worse*.  And to implement a broad change, to *try* to force redistricting out of partisan lines across the country...that probably would require an amendment.  Which would never pass, again.


Hmm.  I'll toss out an idea.  Revamp the process to elect the House.  There's 435 seats now.  Re-allocate the seats, state by state, to elect 335 of those seats by district, as per now.  The other 100 are elected at a broader level...I was thinking national at first, but regional might be better, with preferably no more than 4, perhaps 5, regions.  The hope here is this might form a somewhat more centrist coalition, as it would seem to be harder to elect the Boeberts and Greenes on a regional basis.  And there may be consequences I'm not seeing.  Not that it matters, as this would *never* fly.  

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Supreme Court tosses out the liability shield for the Sackler family in the Purdue Pharma case.  That aspect was seriously criticized from day 1.


Kind of interesting to see the vote, tho.  Aye:  Gorsuch (wrote the opinion), Alito, Thomas, Barrett...and Jackson.  Nay:  Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan...and Kavanaugh.


The case is tricky, and this article discusses the arguments before the Court last year, among other issues:


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7 minutes ago, wcw43921 said:

At least Biden is trying to answer the questions put to him. Trump has gone off on completely different tangents no fewer than three times during this debate.

True, but people online are nervous about Biden's apparent lack of energy, while Trump continues to play on people's fears with his lies. 

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I didn't get a sense of that.  If anything, it seemed Biden was talking very fast, like he was trying to get all the words out before the time ran out.


I did like Biden's comment when discussing their physical fitness--"I'd like to play golf with you (Trump) if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?"

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There was no real-time fact checking of Trump. He just lies and lies, but was never challenged during the debate by the moderators.


I've read and heard reports that Joe Biden has a cold. If true that could explain some of his apparent mental and vocal difficulties; but the timing of it couldn't be worse.


Biden talked substance, but Trump was more animated. Too many people vote based on the visual presence of the candidates. I've read about the Kennedy/Nixon debate, the first televised presidential debate. The majority of people who listened to it on radio thought Nixon won, but the majority of TV watchers gave it to Kennedy.


Biden needs to come out strong in the second debate, but even if he does I know the right wing pundits will claim it's because he was "on drugs."



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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


It's a little late to be panicked...if anyone was surprised by what they saw from both candidates last night, they have either not been paying attention or fooling themselves the last few years.

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5 hours ago, unclevlad said:


There's no procedural mechanism to do that, and no obvious person who would be guaranteed to be better received. Doing it at this late stage would also look like the Democrats knew Biden was incompetent, and tried to hide it.


It's likely that the choices this year will be perceived by much of the public as being between an apparently decrepit man, and an obviously demented man. Once again, voting against someone rather than for someone.


I won't lie, I went to bed last night feeling scared for all of us. :angst:

Edited by Lord Liaden
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