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1 minute ago, Hermit said:



Yup. They're going after Birth Control Access. My apology to the writer of The HandMaid's Tale. I thought it was far fetched.. boy was I wrong.


Of course they are.  I'm not that worried about it, yet.  Go back to the special master appeal...the judge who said yes to it, got roundly criticized.  There's strong reason to expect this will be struck down on appeal.


And it's not news that the religious right will never stop until their notion of acceptable sexual behavior is made law.  


Remember Heinlein's Future History?  It included a right-wing takeover, that buried America under all kinds of repressions, and America as a theocracy.  It led to the Howard Families' bailing in Methuselah's Children, and thus set up Time Enough for Love.  The culmination was the counter-revolution in Revolt in 2100.  There are hints of it in Stranger...but that's actually a different universe.  Still, remember the power that church wielded, in Stranger.

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25 minutes ago, Hermit said:



Yup. They're going after Birth Control Access. My apology to the writer of The HandMaid's Tale. I thought it was far fetched.. boy was I wrong.


Kacsmaryk sounds like one of those people with a lot of repressed sexual guilt and confusion, who's projecting his frustration and self-loathing outward.

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Yep, we've been here before. Today's episode of Fresh Air interviews the author of a book about American history 1917-1921 -- the country's participation in WW1 and shortly thereafter -- when the US went beyond flirting with Fascism to some pretty serious foreplay. The Federal government shutting down newspapers and magazines for unapproved political views. Thousands of people jailed for speaking against the US joining the war. A government-chartered vigilante society. A scheme for mass deportation of immigrants. Pogroms against Black people and organized labor. So much that the Trunmp administration tried, the Wilson administration actually did. But it's also been swept under the carpet. No need to trouble the Land of the Free with history of a successful campaign of state repression.


Woodrow Wilson led the U.S. into WWI. He also waged war on democracy at home : NPR


Everything old is new again.


Dean Shomshak

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16 hours ago, Hermit said:



Yup. They're going after Birth Control Access. My apology to the writer of The HandMaid's Tale. I thought it was far fetched.. boy was I wrong.

It sounds like there are two issues here. Birth control is one. The other is parental sovereignty over children. The goal in this suit may be to establish that minors cannot interact with government without their parents' permission as it is to erode rights to contraception, as such.


Dean Shomshak

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When the SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade six months ago, anti-abortion forces seemed to have won. No federal protection for abortion, trigger laws taking effect in many states, and Republican legislatures ready to pass additional bans.


But now? Thie situation is far less clear. The fight will surely be long and fierce, but abortion rights advocates have found strategies and won some victories... sometimes using the very words conservatives placed into state constitutions.


The Unexpected Ways the Left is Winning in the Abortion Fight - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


Dean Shomshak

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But there is also a related story I saw this morning...can't find now.  It noted that many states with the most restrictive policies, also have no allowance for citizens to place a measure onto the ballot.  So the only way to get things change there, would be to manage to get the Republican control broken.  

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In the long run, abortion restrictions will be shot down. American society is growing more diverse, more accepting, with every generation. Access to abortion is already accepted by a solid majority of Americans. It's why many conservatives have become so reactionary -- they can feel they're losing, and it frightens them, so they try to force time backward.


Humanity is constantly growing more urban and interconnected. Access to information about the whole world has never been so great. No government can put the genie completely back in the bottle.

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So are those black & white flags with a blue or red stripe in the center.  Or those flags that are half US flag and half Confederate battle flag.  Or nearly all the super-patriot costumes, like The Shield, or Captain America, or--ughh--Homelander.  True patriotic Americans honor and respect the United States flag, but realize that the First Amendment is paramount over any code of conduct.


But we can scowl in disgust and disappointment at those who dishonor and disrespect the flag.  Like so--




We're looking at you, Trump.  We're all looking at you.

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55 minutes ago, wcw43921 said:

Or nearly all the super-patriot costumes, like The Shield, or Captain America, or--ughh--Homelander.


I remember an early issue of Alpha Flight where Guardian (James, before he died) was talking about the fact that unlike Captain America, he could actually wear the flag. 

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