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On an unrelated note, I invite everyone to check in on the defamation trial of Alex Jones, legendary denier of the Sandy Hook shooting, in which his lawyer accidentally sent all his emails and texts to the opposing attorney.  The emails and texts that he previously denied existed when asked to provide them to the court.  The emails and texts that implicate him in perjury and other criminal wrongdoing, and even involvement in the January 6 insurrection.


They also reveal that Jones' conspiracy site, Infowars, was making $800,000 per day.



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Just now, Old Man said:

On an unrelated note, I invite everyone to check in on the defamation trial of Alex Jones, legendary denier of the Sandy Hook shooting, in which his lawyer accidentally sent all his emails and texts to the opposing attorney.  The emails and texts that he previously denied existed when asked to provide them to the court.  The emails and texts that implicate him in perjury and other criminal wrongdoing, and even involvement in the January 6 insurrection.


They also reveal that Jones' conspiracy site, Infowars, was making $800,000 per day.




His lawyers were informed of the mistake about the documents, and neglected to make any of it privileged, meaning that all of it is admissible. My favorite quote from this story was the comment picked up on a hot mike made by the opposing attorney during a recess:



On an open microphone in a recess, Bankston asked his fellow lawyers: “You know what nobody’s thought about yet? What happens when that phone goes to law enforcement?”


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7 minutes ago, Simon said:

So far (from what I understand) J6C, DOJ, and Jones' ex-wife are all seeking to attain the phone records....and I don't think there's anything keeping the parents' lawyers from delivering.


So much of what's been happening makes me want to host any of these records that go public.  But man, I don't need that legal fracas.

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Just now, Cygnia said:

Maybe Unicorn Riot will do it...


There's a lot of potentially valuable resources out there.  A place where people can go through that, for example the open resources on Alex Jones' case, is super helpful.


You don't have to present the resources unchallenged, but having the originals there, plus additional commentary, all in a place where people can visit and find compiled information on?  Much of it doesn't have to be hosted directly, just linking external resources with local backups if needed.

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7 hours ago, wcw43921 said:


Not quite sure I follow the logic fully.  I can semi-understand (though don't endorse the argument) that the requirement to pay child support may make some men pressure woman to have abortions.


However, if men *aren't* required to pay child support for the children for whom they were sperm donors, then wouldn't that be more of an impetus for women to *want* to have an abortion, rather than having a high likelihood of living in poverty?

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12 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:


Not quite sure I follow the logic fully.  I can semi-understand (though don't endorse the argument) that the requirement to pay child support may make some men pressure woman to have abortions.


However, if men *aren't* required to pay child support for the children for whom they were sperm donors, then wouldn't that be more of an impetus for women to *want* to have an abortion, rather than having a high likelihood of living in poverty?


There you go bringing logic into these things Silly human...logic is for Vulcans....

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9 hours ago, wcw43921 said:


Apparently, Chris Pritt was not advocating an end to child support.  He was speaking against a proposed amendment to the abortion ban bill that would in his words “allow men to file pre-birth paternity actions".  So, he was actually objecting to something that men would use to try to weasel out of paying child support.  Mr Pritt seems to think that the threat of being forced to take one of these test might drive some women to get abortions, not because they didn't know the father but just because they did not want to go through the test and deal with a guy who would make them take it in the first place.

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I haven't found a really good news article to link, but if anyone's interested...


Two of the Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump come from Washington state. Both were targeted by Trump-backed, full-on wackadoodle Big Lie supporters. Those challengers have failed to advance through Washington's "Top Two" primary system. In November, Reps Jaime Herrerra-Beutler and Dan Newhouse will both face Democratic challengers, as the Trumpians came third. So there's that, at least.


Dean Shomshak

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On 8/2/2022 at 6:55 PM, Ragitsu said:


Comparing United States conservatives to the Bolsheviks? Oh...you were serious.


  • Life one-hundred plus years ago was hard in general: technology was all-around inferior and MEDICINE sucked compared to that which is available today.
  • Russia's climate makes for a harsh land; exceptions aside, compared to Russia, the contiguous USA is the Garden of Eden.
  • Politically speaking, the landscape is different; right-wing insurgents will have more foreign allies to contend with.


Your standard weathered Bolshevik partisan accustomed to the early 1920s is going to snap a typical 2022 US conservative - used to mass-produced goods and a relative life of luxury - in half.

Of course I'm serious. I would not post it if I were not serious. However, I brought up the Bolsheviks only as an example of how a committed, disciplined group of radicals can achieve power without truly representing the popular will. I agree that compared to the likes of Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky, American conservatives are a bad joke. But then, many modern Americans are a lot softer and sillier than were the Russians of the time. American conservatives have also been working at this for a lot longer than the Bolsheviks did.


And I am also entirely serious in expecting that post-Trumpian conservatives, should they achieve the House-Senate-White House trifecta again, would become democidally dangerous. I'm sure at first they would follow Viktor Orban's model of "illiberal democracy," in which elections still happen but are so rigged that the opposition can't win. But much of what the base wants isn't politically possible. LGBT+ people are not going back in the closet. Black people will not touch their foreheads and say, "Yassuh," nor accept being addressed as "Boy." The mills will not re-open with plentiful jobs for semi-skilled labor. And many in the base will still feel the scalding sense that the educated, credentialed elites sneer at them. The Republicans will have to turn to repression, then violence, then terror.


I would rather avoid this. Since I don't think the country can be put back together again, I think there's value in exploring methods for an amicable separation.


Dean Shomshak

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Yah, first verdict in:  Jones loses, ordered to pay $4M.  And the jury didn't take long to get there...deliberating less than a day according to NYT.  That part is awesome.  How much those parents will ever see...that remains to be seen, as I expect Jones to try more shenanigans to hide his assets.  OR, of course, effectively getting handed money under the table.


Another story in the NYT today.  In light of Kansas' very convincing:  59-41 to keep the right to abortion in the state constitution.  NOT terribly surprisingly, it galvanized turnout...very likely to voie against the ballot measure, which would've pulled it.  NYT gave a map of other states that may well do the same thing.


SOooooo...that got me thinking.  The map shows, according to polling, 50-55% of Texans back the right to abortion.  Well, now.  It would be a SWEET, SWEET smackdown against Abbott if Texans could pass a constitutional amendment.  Unfortunately, in order to get onto the ballot...it needs a 2/3 vote of the combined members of both houses of the state legislature.  Yeah, that has no chance of happening....

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And in Kentucky, 4 police officers are facing federal charges in the Breonna Taylor shooting.  From NYT:



Federal prosecutors accused three officers of knowingly including false information in an affidavit used to justify the raid and a fourth officer of firing blindly into Ms. Taylor’s apartment from outside, sending bullets flying into a unit next door where an unsuspecting family slept.


It might not go as far as many want, but it's a DARN sight better than letting the officers skate, and letting the state authorities let them skate, on the false information claim.

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Russia is bolstering its ranks with prisoners offered suicide-squad-style sentence reductions. Everybody knows that.


Russia is bolstering its ranks with a dad-bod army of men in their 50s and 60s. Old news. Chechens? Mercenaries? Same.


So what is new? The possibility of 100,000 North Koreans.



Fresh, well trained troops are known for changing the course of a war. This is North Korea. How fresh, well trained?

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