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Odd: The link I tried to copy and paste isn't pasting. Oh, well.


On Oct 6, the NPR program "Fresh Air" interviewed Russia expert Fiona Hill, whom you might remember from Trump's first impeachment. She's written a book; she talks about it, and her time in diplomacy and the White House. Smart, wry observations about a life in public service and some of the horrifying idiots she encountered in her last post -- and some not at all funny observations about the state of American democracy from an expert on autocracy.


Goodle "Fresh Air Fiona Hill" and you should reach it.


Dean Shomshak

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So on the Nextdoor neighborhood app, someone posted that the local Sam's Club wasn't enforcing mask wearing in the store.


Rather quickly that brought out the anti-vax crowd with their usual collection of misinformation.  "It's a mandate, not a law. It's optional."  True for vaccines, false for masking.  And so on.  And so on. And so on.  And so on.


And so on.
and so on.


I need a keeper to hit me with a cattle prod when I start typing in a response.  It's lose-lose;  say nothing and let their BS stand;  challenge their 'facts' and get sucked into their morass.  And start spiking your BP and giving yourself a migraine.

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I was cleaning out my spam trap on an older email address this morning, and noticed that I've received several messages from a former Attorney General, who is apparently running as a Republican for one of our senate seats next year. I then noticed that all of the messages are addressed using my Mom's first name, which is quite odd, as she hadn't been registered to vote in Nevada since the early 90s, has never owned a computer, has never had an email address, and has been dead for five years.


It's funny that he's spouting the voter fraud line in his fundraising, while actively courting the dead vote.


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2 hours ago, aylwin13 said:

I totally understand, Dr. M.

More and more I feel like it's time to pull the plug on this experiment. Some days giant asteroid just seems like a really good idea. :(


Seems like the official R party platform is now becoming 'we don't know who won the last election, and we shouldn't have certified the results'.


So you understand, if you have one part of a country thinking one person is president, and another almost as large part saying another person is president, you don't have one country anymore.

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I don't have any real hope that the situation can be fixed.  It's possible that if the moderate, anti-Trump Republicans can join with some of the Democrats, maybe some good things can happen...but the hard left Democrats whose theme song is Queen's I Want It All will sabotage the effort as much as the hard-right Republicans.  


We've been in a form of civil war for some time;  only in the last few years has this become blatant.  Even before Trump, cooling things off would've been very difficult;  his 4 years enabled and emboldened efforts that no one sane would've conceived as possible 10 years ago.  It'll probably take another generation to assess the overall damage...the degree to which he accelerated the sociopolitical civil war into an actual civil war.

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There has been an interesting development in Australia that could point to a possible path to de-escalation in the US.


The Murdoch newspapers and TV network here have suddenly decided that climate change is real. I'm not sure all the flying monkeys have got the memo yet, but it is a major political shift by a mainstay of climate change denialism.


So what happened? Reality. The economic and political costs of maintaining the status quo became too great.


It's conceivable that the cost of the extreme polarisation in the US might become too great, resulting in the more mainstream idiots toning things down for the greater good of US capital.


That wouldn't stop the fringe crazies, but it would undercut their support.


I wouldn't worry about the "left" - the Democrats have a long history of turning radicals into hacks.

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It's a bit of a positive development, but I fear it's too little, too late. The monsters of popular extremism and conspiracy theory in the United States that the media and politicians nurtured have grown beyond their ability to control. If their followers don't like what one voice is telling them, they'll find another that tells them what they want.

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Better stuff happens when governments trust their citizens with full information, rather than hide information "to prevent panic"


(Link is from Nature.)  I think that analysis is too charitable.  Too many tyrants-in-all-but-official-title have a god complex (or God's-chosen complex) and are constitutionally incapable of recognizing that they have limits, and overstepping them is catastrophic.  The appearance of infallibility is too important to their egos to let them go this route.  And their subjects pay with their lives.

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:


One of the major, embarrassing points about the anti-vax position WRT Covid is brought up there...that there are numerous vaccination mandates already in place.  So how is a vaccine mandate unconstitutional, or an abuse of power?


The flip side here might well be...imagine if mumps appeared today, rather than having a long, long history.  Mumps is *generally* minor, but ints complications include encephalitis, and that's anything but minor.  Transmissivity is, I think, similar.  It seems likely that mumps vaccination would be fought just as strongly.  Measles is more serious in some ways...but its fatality rate is 1 to 3 per 1000.  Covid's is about 1.8%, or 18 per 1000 cases.  A recent thread about a local Sam's Club that didn't enforce mask requirements devolved into the usual shouting match...and one <BLEEEP><BLEEEP><BLEEEP> actually said "Covid only kills 1% of the people who get it, so what's the big deal?"  I kid  you not.  That entire thread got deleted, altho it took much longer than I expected for that to happen.


It's plausible that measles would still draw far less pushback because it affects small kids, and can cause serious issues for a fetus.  Those are hot-button problems.  Covid "only kills old farts"...which isn't true, but shows extreme ageism.  But even thinking that, should something like these diseases start to appear, that the US' response would be so crippled, is dumbfounding.  (Pun absolutely intended.)

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2 hours ago, unclevlad said:

...and one <BLEEEP><BLEEEP><BLEEEP> actually said "Covid only kills 1% of the people who get it, so what's the big deal?"  I kid  you not. 


I know. Lady P's friend was one of the people who said that.


Turns out he was also one of the 1%.


I hate this disease so much. 

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

I hate this disease so much. 



I don't.  It's a disease.  It's like any other natural disaster;  it just makes like a royal PITA.


OTOH, the liars, the grifters, the manipulators who trade the lives of others for personal and/or political gain..."hate" is way too mild.  Many of them rate Dante's Ninth Circle...Antenor, the region for those who betrayed their homeland or political party.  

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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:

OTOH, the liars, the grifters, the manipulators who trade the lives of others for personal and/or political gain..."hate" is way too mild.  Many of them rate Dante's Ninth Circle...Antenor, the region for those who betrayed their homeland or political party.  


We are pretty much watching climate denial in real-time and trackable.  The literal lengths politicians will go to, etc etc...

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