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32 minutes ago, Hermit said:


You have my sincere condolences, Hermit. I know it sickens you that the likes of this thing purports to be a "representative" of your state. :(

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3 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

It might be thin, cheap plate in the overall scheme of things, but there is a silver lining here.


There is no way Trump is in office on the 21st.  I would also say that there are few areas where he can probably do serious damage in the time left...pardons would be an exception here.  Things like oil leases might be another.  Figure he's got plenty of pro-development people entrenched so, even if they don't believe in him, want the same thing.  But that should be a much smaller subset.  


Sort of, but I don't trust him to not attempt another coup.


Hell, I don't trust him not to build contacts and supports for another coup in the oncoming years, especially if his 2024 campaign doesn't look too hot...

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The man who broke into Pelosi's office and spent such effort to pose and prance in her chair, has been arrested.  As has a state legislator from West Virginia who posted video of himself as he entered the Capitol.  His lawyer is claiming "nothing illegal" but as part of a mob breaking in???  Puh-lease. 





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46 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

I'm beginning to think it *possible* that Trump resigns, but I can't be any more definite than that.  Everything we believe about him says it can't happen but the pressures from all over, including places like the Wall St Journal, might mean he does.  And Trump has said, he's not going to the inauguration.  Just as well.  The best case right now would be for Trump to resign and slither out.  I think Biden could shake hands with Pence...maybe not the most cordial handshake ever but not the worst.  Not with Trump.  


Also...I don't know flag protocol details but if you fly a flag, I'd think it appropriate to fly it at half mast today.  A Capitol police officer died today from injuries suffered Wednesday.  

To be more specific, the officer was beaten to death by "patriots" using a fire extinguisher.  

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8 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


You have my sincere condolences, Hermit. I know it sickens you that the likes of this thing purports to be a "representative" of your state. :(


It does, and thank you. Right now, I am just glad I'm not in Missouri burying my head in my hands over  Senator Josh Hawley - who , in addition to and because of his actions, is crying over a lost book deal and calling it censorship

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7 minutes ago, death tribble said:

Have they identified the guy who was in Pelosi's office and have the identified the guy cosplaying as a Native American Witch Doctor ?


13 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

The man who broke into Pelosi's office and spent such effort to pose and prance in her chair, has been arrested.  As has a state legislator from West Virginia who posted video of himself as he entered the Capitol.  His lawyer is claiming "nothing illegal" but as part of a mob breaking in???  Puh-lease.


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7 minutes ago, Hermit said:


It does, and thank you. Right now, I am just glad I'm not in Missouri burying my head in my hands over  Senator Josh Hawley - who , in addition to and because of his actions, is crying over a lost book deal and calling it censorship


Yeah, I hear ya.  My case isn't as bad, but our district's freshly elected 1st term Congresswoman voted to block the election results...at least one of em, perhaps both, but I don't care.  I think my feelings about that have been made quite clear.  But that's not as bad as your situation, or Hawley.  


Pelosi is intending to bring impeachment charges on Monday, according to CNN.  The article is based on incitement of insurrection, and includes this:

"President Trump’s conduct on January 6, 2021 was consistent with his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct the certification of the results of the 2020 presidential election. Those prior efforts include, but are not limited to, a phone call on January 2, 2021, in which President Trump urged Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to ‘‘find’’ enough votes to overturn the Georgia presidential election results and threatened Mr. Raffensperger if he failed to do so. In all of this, President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coordinate branch of government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States."

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12 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Don't know if that will fly, but I can't really argue with any of it.


It might not, but there are 2 political reasons for it, beyond the fact that he deserves to be impeached.


1.  It's that much more pressure on Trump to resign.  I said I think that would be the best result, because it does get him out.  Yes, sure, making sure he can never hold office again is great but I'd rather the surety that he is out and can't do ANYTHING more.


2.  It's a line in the sand.  If you vote for Trump on this, you vote for the riot.  It's pretty much that cut and dried.



2 minutes ago, csyphrett said:

he's the q shaman, but I don't know how long that will last.



DoJ and FBI have assigned a very large cadre to investigate.  Along with, I believe state police from several states and presumably DC police.  Also, with the death of a law enforcement officer from this, the effort will be that much more intense.

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24 minutes ago, slikmar said:

The other part is they get to be prosecuted under Trump's presidential decree about defacing National monuments that he signed into law earlier this year due to the BLM people destroying statues, iirc.

And you know that none of them will get the irony of this.


They don't care.  The point is sides, not honesty.


I literally blocked a friends' friend trying to discuss this stuff with me because I saw through their dishonesty almost immediately.


If you want to listen to a breathing example of rationalized dishonesty and how they try and use it to manipulate a conversation, listen to this.  Eye the text stream comments if you don't "get it"



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4 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

I felt like losing lunch after 30 seconds.


I feel it's necessary to completely outline how this stuff was behaving 2 years ago.


Exactly what they are and have been doing to pretend it's not a problem and to force their meaningless points to make themselves look good.


"More white people die than black people!"  And he pushed and pushed that, and pushed and pushed to try and make him sound 'anti semetic' as a fun game.  It's literally playing the game of "I'm not a nazi" and "we are both basically nazis!" at the same time.

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2 hours ago, death tribble said:

In response to the send you know who somewhere,

Why not send Trump to Plum Island ?


Have they identified the guy who was in Pelosi's office and have the identified the guy cosplaying as a Native American Witch Doctor ?


He was actually a Minnesota Vikings fan who was angry he couldn't attend any games this year due to Covid.

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