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41 minutes ago, Pariah said:


Thank you for the article... it actually touched on something I should have known but didn't see mentioned until now




After the call, Trump went to Twitter to punish Raffensperger, writing he “was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ‘ballots under table’ scam, ballot destruction, out-of-state ‘voters’, dead voters, and more. He has no clue!” 

Raffensperger pushed back. “What you’re saying is not true. The truth will come out.”

Soon the tape went public and Trump’s threats spilled across the nation’s front pages.



Some Trumpkins I know were talking about how WRONG it was to 'reveal a private conversation'  etc etc. as if it was done without cause or reason. I didn't realize that Trump had trashed him on twitter after the conversation. Yeah, you know what's worse than revealing the actual private conversation? It's lying about said private conversation to bear false witness against someone like Trump was doing.


And yeah, the Democrats started tearing into each other hours after they discovered they were not taking over congress. Neolibs tore into progressives blaming them for the loss, Progressive snapped back etc. 





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1 hour ago, Hermit said:


Thank you for the article... it actually touched on something I should have known but didn't see mentioned until now



Some Trumpkins I know were talking about how WRONG it was to 'reveal a private conversation'  etc etc. as if it was done without cause or reason. I didn't realize that Trump had trashed him on twitter after the conversation. Yeah, you know what's worse than revealing the actual private conversation? It's lying about said private conversation to bear false witness against someone like Trump was doing.


I'm not certain what level of mental gymnastics is necessary to classify a communication aimed at overturning a national election as a "private conversation".

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2 minutes ago, Pariah said:

I'm not certain what level of mental gymnastics is necessary to classify a communication aimed at overturning a national election as a "private conversation".


1) they don't care or 2) they think its 'justified'.  Enough people have 'suggested something's bad here this election' so it gives them a permission slip to end democracy

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(1) Georgia state law requires that only one of the parties in a taped conversation be aware it's being taped. (2) Trump immediately afterward tweeted that he had had the conversation, misrepresenting the substance of what was discussed, and arguably implicitly waiving confidentiality. It was only after said tweet that Raffensperger released the recording to the public. (3) Any official telephone communication with the POTUS is supposed to automatically be recorded by the White House for posterity.

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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

(1) Georgia state law requires that only one of the parties in a taped conversation be aware it's being taped. (2) Trump immediately afterward tweeted that he had had the conversation, misrepresenting the substance of what was discussed, and arguably implicitly waiving confidentiality. It was only after said tweet that Raffensperger released the recording to the public. (3) Any official telephone communication with the POTUS is supposed to automatically be recorded by the White House for posterity.


Just as a point of order, it's not clear who leaked the recording.  I've seen some audio analysis that suggests the conversation was recorded at the White House and leaked by Mark Meadows.

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How on Earth did the United States of America get to this point?


Violent threats ripple through far-right internet forums ahead of protest


Maybe the scariest part of this story is the last three paragraphs:


"This is a testament to the power of confirmation bias," Chacon said. "QAnon supporters literally can't tell the difference between truth and fantasy when it comes to anything with a partisan valence."


But with the "Pence Card" falling apart, he is worried what will happen as QAnon supporters run out of magical thinking.


"It seems like they've decided there's nothing but civil war," Chacon said.

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I keep seeing and hearing Trumpers (and Trump himself) declaring that if the election was fair Trump should have won easily.  Ok, fine let's try to look at that logically.  Hillary won the pop vote in 2016 by 3 million votes - which is a fairly decent margin of victory.  So if Trump won this year by 3 million votes then that would mean around 10,000,000 votes have somehow been fabricated.  10 MILLION!  The leaps in logic that some people have taken boggles the mind...and btw how did the democrats manage this vast and secret conspiracy out of the blue?  How in the world did Hillary lose 4 years ago in key areas then?

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14 minutes ago, Hermit said:

C'mon Georgia!


Hey: I did everything I could to wreck Mitch McConnell's day, in spite if the fact that doing so will make Pelosi happy.


Ugh.  I just wish there was something to wreck both of their days.   :[



Anyway, what more do you want?


Other than term limits, I mean.

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Just now, Duke Bushido said:


Hey: I did everything I could to wreck Mitch McConnell's day, in spite if the fact that doing so will make Pelosi happy.


Ugh.  I just wish there was something to wreck both of their days.   :[



Anyway, what more do you want?


Other than term limits, I mean.


I completely understand the downside of making Pelosi happy and appreciate your sacrifice. Thanks!


One down, one to go. 

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3 hours ago, Starlord said:

I keep seeing and hearing Trumpers (and Trump himself) declaring that if the election was fair Trump should have won easily.


I mean, this is literally rejection of reality for the innuendo of conspiracy.  Only one of those two validates their feelings.


They just have to ignore the numbers and look at all of the (carefully tailored) innuendo 'evidence'


Keep in mind those feelings have been crafted over decades by right wing media.  If you want someone to blame, look at Tucker Carlson, Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and the new generation of grifters like Tim Pool and Crowder

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Looks like the second one won't be declared for a couple of days.  It looks pretty good...with relatively few ballots left, Ossuff's margin *looks* to be enough...but it's also close enough that a full recount is sensible.  (Unlike Warnock;  Loeffler got *smacked down*.  Which makes me quite happy.)


EDIT:  happy but tempered...I see no reasonable chance that the election results won't be certified, but serious violence seems much, much too likely.  DC might be getting the focus but you have to be concerned there will be armed pro-Trump mobs elsewhere too.

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Just now, Starlord said:

He must have really campaigned his Ossoff.


Not bad... :)


But we know who the top campaigner for Ossuff was.


And be concerned that the margins are so narrow...despite all the BS that should've alienated more people, and the incumbents both saying they'd side with Trump.  Even if Ossuff wins and the Republicans lose the Senate...for how long?  As vile as Trump has been, this election season should never have been close.  The conditions that led to it being so close, aren't going to vanish.

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5 hours ago, Starlord said:

I keep seeing and hearing Trumpers (and Trump himself) declaring that if the election was fair Trump should have won easily.  Ok, fine let's try to look at that logically.  Hillary won the pop vote in 2016 by 3 million votes - which is a fairly decent margin of victory.  So if Trump won this year by 3 million votes then that would mean around 10,000,000 votes have somehow been fabricated.  10 MILLION!  The leaps in logic that some people have taken boggles the mind...and btw how did the democrats manage this vast and secret conspiracy out of the blue?  How in the world did Hillary lose 4 years ago in key areas then?

And as I posted before, how or why did the Dems fail to work their magic fraud down the ballot to produce a Blue Wave in Congress and state houses? The Conspiracy is always omnipotent where it needs to be, but childishly idiotic where it needs to be.


Dean Shomshak

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