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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

He said these things while he's still President. Could he even be tried for them, other than through impeachment?


I believe they could because they are not related to an action related to his authority *as* president.  The request was not within the authority of the office.  Contrast that with his pardons;  those are within the authority of the office, and thus immune to any kind of charge.


Essentially it's akin to a governor busted on corruption;  see Rod Blagojevich.  Yes, he was impeached but he was also later convicted in federal court.  Here, the impeachment (we presume) will be moot because Trump will be out of office before it could happen.  (And again, not that it ever would.)  Executive immunity covers a lot, but there's a lot of things it doesn't cover.


Perhaps a stronger example than the pardons:  Trump can't be sued or charged for anything related to the wall.  

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I am sick of people rejoicing in their hateful ignorance. I'm guessing Tim Pool hasn't spoken to a single doctor or nurse in hospitals right now. And he calls the people reporting this tweet "losers." Look in the mirror.


1 hour ago, Sociotard said:

It is possible that former presidents could be impeached. It would take a supreme court case to know for certain.




I automatically question whether any idea raised by Matt Gaetz deserves the expenditure of brain cells to consider.

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9 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

I am sick of people rejoicing in their hateful ignorance. I'm guessing Tim Pool hasn't spoken to a single doctor or nurse in hospitals right now. And he calls the people reporting this tweet "losers." Look in the mirror.



4 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

That is one very, very sick ****.


Just felt like reminding people who honest-to-goodness people like Scottish Fox wanted to use for their opinions.  I'm only noting it because SF was banned (so I'm not calling him out personally, but his reference), and because I find the conservative 'faux counterculture against the outrageous left' grift of people like Tim Pool and Crowder reprehensible.

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2 minutes ago, TrickstaPriest said:

Just felt like reminding people who honest-to-goodness people like Scottish Fox wanted to use for their opinions.  I'm only noting it because SF was banned (so I'm not calling him out personally, but his reference), and because I find the conservative 'faux counterculture against the outrageous left' grift of people like Tim Pool and Crowder reprehensible.


I have no problem with that cartoon being posted.  Ignorance is NOT bliss;  we need to know scumbags exist from time to time.  NOT very often, but you already know that so I'm not worried.  But we can't live in ignorance that vicious little sociopaths are out there.


I'll also say that while, yes, I'm on FB...I limit myself to groups linked to particular authors I like.  I was on Twitter for a VERY short time...but that was very limited, and didn't last.  Never huge on YouTube...Beau from time to time, from this thread;  music-related videos a lot.  (Flash concerts are fun.  So is Beat Saber stuff, in small doses anyway.)  But these are also home to some really disgusting stuff.  It's nothing new.  I go back to the alt. newsgroups, and the groups where the flame wars rose to fighter-jet afterburner levels.  So it isn't anything new per se;  it is, tho, far more pervasive.  Ask me if I think FB and Twitter are a net plus or a net minus...let me get back to you, I have to think about it.  A lot.  It's NOT clear, either way....

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2 hours ago, unclevlad said:


I have no problem with that cartoon being posted.  Ignorance is NOT bliss;  we need to know scumbags exist from time to time.  NOT very often, but you already know that so I'm not worried.  But we can't live in ignorance that vicious little sociopaths are out there.


Yes, that's why I venture into conservative forums on a semi regular basis to try (and fail) to understand how they think.  As it stands, right now there's a split--sane conservatives who have accepted the outcome of the election and have finally become disgusted with the seditious antics of Trump and his supporters, and the ones who are ride-or-die for Trump who eat up conspiracy theories like the above cartoon while refusing to state that the Georgia recording is anything other than a hoax. 


Many of the latter don't actually believe the conspiracies, and are perfectly aware of how awful their leader is.  But they don't care because their hatred of minorities and libruls outweighs even their own self interest.  So they play along.

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I've got a great-niece who was graduated out of nursing school early during the spring so she could go to work during the COVID crisis. 


For months she's been sitting with 2-3 COVID patients a day as they expire.


I've got a thick hide when it comes to death and grief. But I don't know if I could do that.

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2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

If any Republicans care a whit about their legacy, they should remember that these details, and how they responded to them, are going into the historical record.

Perdue is apparently whining about the call being leaked -- but not the contents of the call. 🤬

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We in other countries generally respected the office of POTUS, if not always its occupant. I'm afraid Trump has changed that. For someone like Trump to have held it for four years, and then almost get reelected, and now making it an even greater farce... I'm sorry, but we just can't esteem the office in the same way. :(

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5 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

We in other countries generally respected the office of POTUS, if not always its occupant. I'm afraid Trump has changed that. For someone like Trump to have held it for four years, and then almost get reelected, and now making it an even greater farce... I'm sorry, but we just can't esteem the office in the same way. :(


At this point, he'd be happy to accept Canadian votes.

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4 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

If any Republicans care a whit about their legacy, they should remember that these details, and how they responded to them, are going into the historical record.


No, they should remember that history is written by the victors, so they'd better win at any cost.

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