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3 hours ago, unclevlad said:


But that's what might be amusing.  Will Trump turn on yet another of his most stalwart allies?  McConnell made sure there was no substantive impeachment hearing in the Senate;  he made sure to ram a third SC justice.  If Trump's been Prince John, McConnell's been the Sheriff of Nottingham.  Mind, I don't disagree that Trump may well react that way.


Upside to McConnell's statement:  it makes the AGs and Congressmen who signed onto that vacuous lawsuit look that much worse.  It should also put a dampener on any shenanigans in Congress after the new year, and seating the new Congress.  Will it stop the push that the election was stolen?  Nope.  It won't slow down.  All ya gotta do is turn the argument a bit...well, damn, we lost.  But see?  We have to change the laws to protect the integrity of the process!!  We have to coordinate so this Can Never Happen Again!!!  Kick off the 2024 campaign, and start a major Retake Congress! movement for 2022.  KEEP THOSE DOLLARS ROLLING IN, FOLKS!!!!


Even if the Republicans retain control of the Senate, there's no guarantee that McConnell will remain the Republican leader there after defying Trump.


If McConnell loses that position, that would be good for the future of the Republican Party. He's old and has been an obstacle to presenting a Republican agenda even back when there used to be such a thing as a Republican agenda. He's always been one of those "I want to be in charge, deliberately not accomplish much, and hope the country doesn't fall down around my ears" kind of politician that I loathe.


Unfortunately, it would also be good for the Trumpsters since it would show their continued strength...even if the main reason McConnell lost the position was for other reasons that defying Trump.


And it would be interesting for us.

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On 12/14/2020 at 8:38 PM, tkdguy said:

I know a certain wargaming discussion board where many of the members hate California with a passion. If those guys hated California before, they probably hate us even more now, if that's possible. Small wonder I left that place.


Do they understand that Cali has more than twice the economic power as all of Russia, with almost a third of the people?  What do they think funds their armies?

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An ex-cop held an A/C repairman at gunpoint over a false claim he had 750,000 fake ballots, police said

Andrea Salcedo, The Washington Post

 Published 6:47 am CST, Wednesday, December 16, 2020



An air-conditioning repairman was driving his truck through Houston in late October when suddenly a black SUV slammed into his tail. When he got out, the SUV's driver leaped out and pointed a gun at his head, police said.

When police arrived, the gunman offered an incredible tale: The driver, he said, was the face of a vast election-fraud scheme and had about 750,000 fake ballots stuffed inside his truck.

The man's truck was full of nothing but A/C parts, and the gunman - Mark Anthony Aguirre, a former Houston Police Department captain - had been paid more than $250,000 by a right-wing organization to pursue far-fetched voter-fraud conspiracy theories....


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20 minutes ago, archer said:

An air-conditioning repairman was driving his truck through Houston in late October when suddenly a black SUV slammed into his tail. When he got out, the SUV's driver leaped out and pointed a gun at his head, police said.


Hey, all of you who still believe this election stealing BS!!!  This is what your movement is!!!  If you don't denounce this, you own it.


If that was me, I'd be a quivering mess for I don't know how long.  Days, at least.  

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Along those lines, NPR: Right-Wing Embrace Of Conspiracy Is 'Mass Radicalization,' Experts Warn



"There is a monetization of outrage on both sides," Neumann said, "but in particular the conservative infotainment sector makes money off of that outrage."


"Every large political movement started at one point as a small fringe minority," he said. "And when it catches on, it can engulf the whole society. So, you know, the danger is there."


The article is unfortunately short on calls to action, however.

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5 hours ago, TrickstaPriest said:


Do they understand that Cali has more than twice the economic power as all of Russia, with almost a third of the people?  What do they think funds their armies?


Someone else had pointed that out, but most of them don't care anyway. One said, during California's recent drought, that we deserved to run out of water. Another said he'll be happy when "The Big One" finally sinks California into the sea. I had complained to the admin, but he said it wasn't against the rules. 

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13 hours ago, tkdguy said:

Another said he'll be happy when "The Big One" finally sinks California into the sea.


I remember a comedian (I forget who) commenting something to the effect of:  "You Californians are so lucky, when "The Big One" hits, instead of California falling into the sea, it will be the rest of the country sinking away, and Californians will be like, 'Oh cool, another beach!'"

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Any ill feelings I have towards the state of California are largely the result of one person (my ex) and one organization (the football team formerly known as the Oakland/Los Angeles/Oakland Raiders).


Don't get me wrong, I'll still make the jokes, but I have no particular malicious intent.

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Just now, tkdguy said:

I don't mind the jokes if they're obviously meant that way. The comments I read weren't even meant to be humorous; there was some malicious intent in them.


But what do you have against the Raiders?


Other than them continually blackmailing their home cities for stadium improvements, having obnoxious fans, and moving to Vegas (and getting a new stadium that we'll end up paying for), nothing.

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26 minutes ago, Ternaugh said:


Other than them continually blackmailing their home cities for stadium improvements, having obnoxious fans, and moving to Vegas (and getting a new stadium that we'll end up paying for), nothing.


Don't forget the consistent history of bad drafting, bad coaching, bad ownership, and bad play.

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Immediately after he presides over Congress receiving the Electoral College Votes, Pence is scheduled to hop a flight overseas to Bahrain, Israel, and Poland (I think).  "Immediately" as in, I think he's leaving that same day.  Funny how the timing is on that.  So yeah, he's trying to distance himself, both politically and physically, from Trump.

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On 12/17/2020 at 12:08 PM, Ternaugh said:


Other than them continually blackmailing their home cities for stadium improvements, having obnoxious fans, and moving to Vegas (and getting a new stadium that we'll end up paying for), nothing.


On 12/17/2020 at 12:36 PM, Old Man said:


Don't forget the consistent history of bad drafting, bad coaching, bad ownership, and bad play.

Those are all their good points. What is it you don't like about the Raiders, really?

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