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4 hours ago, BNakagawa said:



wow, that was close.


Kentucky, a state that DT won by 30 percent, just elected a democrat Governor days after Trump stumped for the republican incumbent.


Something I heard but dont know if it is true is that Trump said a vote for a democratic governor is a vote for impeachment. When I heard that and the Dem won, I was like Come to NC and help Thom Tillis out of office


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Found this on the Internet, where it's apparently been making the rounds. I couldn't find the originator, so if someone knows who to attribute it to, please do.


If you like subpoena coladas, and getting caught in Ukraine,
And you deny any wrong doing and you only have half a brain,
If you like making calls at midnight, to rogue heads of state,
And you aren’t fond of prison, come with me and escape.
Yes I like subpoena coladas, and getting caught in Ukraine,
I’m not much into prison food, I am into fraud-u-lent campaigns,
Come to the airport tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape,
Get into my trunk comrade and we’ll make our escape.
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6 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Found this on the Internet, where it's apparently been making the rounds. I couldn't find the originator, so if someone knows who to attribute it to, please do.


If you like subpoena coladas, and getting caught in Ukraine,
And you deny any wrong doing and you only have half a brain,
If you like making calls at midnight, to rogue heads of state,
And you aren’t fond of prison, come with me and escape.
Yes I like subpoena coladas, and getting caught in Ukraine,
I’m not much into prison food, I am into fraud-u-lent campaigns,
Come to the airport tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape,
Get into my trunk comrade and we’ll make our escape.


On a related note, John Lithgow has a new book of art and poetry entitled, Dumpty.





Trumpty Dumpty wanted a wall
To stir up a rabid political brawl.
His Republican rivals, both feckless and stodgy,
Succumbed in the end to his rank demagogy.

Dumpty’s wall made no earthly sense,
A boondoggle built at enormous expense.
But he promised, in speeches despotic and shrill,
He’d make certain that Mexico footed the bill.

Trumpty Dumpty kept insisting.
More and more citizens started resisting.
Sadly, there won’t be an end to this tale,
At least until reasonable people prevail.


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22 hours ago, GM Joe said:

Yet, the message is so easily muddied by those with an agenda. There are companies promising to help you invest your money on the stock market in a Biblical way. And the other day the TV was tuned to the 700 Club in the office building's shared breakroom and they were saying that if you donate to them, God will make you wealthy. The more you give, the more you'll get.


I'm not claiming to be any kind of expert here, but I have read the New Testament (more than once, in fact) and I really don't remember Jesus saying that.

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30 minutes ago, Pariah said:


I'm not claiming to be any kind of expert here, but I have read the New Testament (more than once, in fact) and I really don't remember Jesus saying that.

He never brings up tithing either, but they work that Old Testament 10% action for all its worth.


I once asked a pastor how he could defend asking businesses for 10% of their profit while asking the congregation for 10% of their income (two VERY different numbers) and he had nothing.


Even if you agree to give based on Old Testament tithing it is based on 10% of your INCREASE, not 10% of your income.

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17 hours ago, BNakagawa said:



wow, that was close.


Kentucky, a state that DT won by 30 percent, just elected a democrat Governor days after Trump stumped for the republican incumbent.

That was some game of poker I played to win a state.....


what ?


There is only one DT and that is me......


Any questions ?

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And my trust in media drops to an all time low with the recent ABC / Epstein / Powerful Men bury job.




They catch this lady on a hot mic and she's talking about how the execs at ABC buried the story.  They had an eye witness / victim, photos, etc.


And the reporter is genuinely upset.  Upset that she couldn't run the story for three years and then got scooped.


Not upset that pedophile island continued to run for three years ruining the lives of many more young women, but that she got scooped.



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59 minutes ago, ScottishFox said:

And my trust in media drops to an all time low with the recent ABC / Epstein / Powerful Men bury job.




They catch this lady on a hot mic and she's talking about how the execs at ABC buried the story.  They had an eye witness / victim, photos, etc.


And the reporter is genuinely upset.  Upset that she couldn't run the story for three years and then got scooped.


Not upset that pedophile island continued to run for three years ruining the lives of many more young women, but that she got scooped.




Only now? An off-air sound bite by Dan Rather made it into a song by OSI back in 2003:



“…I tell you my biggest problem here, it’s your information. There’s zero information…I’m getting none, zero! I understand keeping secrets from the viewer–I don’t understand keeping secrets from me!”


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1 hour ago, Ternaugh said:

Only now? An off-air sound bite by Dan Rather made it into a song by OSI back in 2003:


I've been growing increasingly cynical regarding the media over the years, but this one is BAD.


As in - If they'll bury this one then they'll bury literally anything.


This level of corruption in the 4th estate is bad for all of us.


More and more often I'm getting my news from Tim Pool.  :(

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That's the Republican playbook now, unfortunately. And if somehow Beshear makes it in there, look for the legislature to strip his office of as many powers as they can, etc.


It's how they do things now. They have no respect for democracy, the law, or anything else that may prevent them from serving the billionaires who fund the whole right-wing universe.

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As far as the big news orgs? Yeah, they suck and have since the beginning.


Which is not to say that there aren't people in their newsrooms doing good work every day. And every once in a while, those orgs will get a story out there that actually makes a positive difference.


But they can't be trusted as a daily, sole news source.


I do keep up with them daily, but just to scan through and see if anything they have is worth reading. I get most of my news from Reuters and AP News, which are a bit less bad than most.


I appreciate ProPublica a lot. They do good investigative work, so I feel good about supporting them.


Other than that, I read Common Dreams, keep up with economics via Calculated Risk, and then read a bit from Vox and the like.


It all gets sort of tiresome after a while though.

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

Mayor Pete talks quite a bit about his faith, on the campaign trail.  He presents an alternative to the evangelical/fundamentalist "version" of Christianity.

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And corrupt media continues its unholy attempt to suppress Epstein story details from seeing the light of day.


Apparently they can investigate to squash stories that interfere with serial pedophiles, but won't release the actual story.



I can't even get my head around this.


How is this the hill they want to die on?

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