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1 hour ago, csyphrett said:

Wilbur Ross said the 800k people affected by the shutdown really isn't that much and they should just get loans until they can go back to work.


So, in addition to having possible late fees for payments that didn't get made in time, they may also have to pay interest on loans.  Sure, some credit unions are offering interest-free loans to federal workers... but what if you don't bank at one of those credit unions?  Some banks (like JP Morgan Chase) don't even offer personal loans - guess it sucks to be you if one of those is your bank of choice. 


All for the sake of political theater.  Thanks, Trumplestiltskin!

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The shutdown isn’t theater. The wall debate is the theater. Sabotaging the government via shutdown is the point.  Remember, this is the party that literally swears fealty to a man who wants to “drown government in a bathtub”.


The shutdown will end when it actually begins to impact the bottom lines of multinational corporations. 

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5 hours ago, Old Man said:

The shutdown isn’t theater. The wall debate is the theater. Sabotaging the government via shutdown is the point.  Remember, this is the party that literally swears fealty to a man who wants to “drown government in a bathtub”.


The shutdown will end when it actually begins to impact the bottom lines of multinational corporations. 


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Neither bill passed the senate to be compiled with the house to go to Trump to sign. Repubs mostly voted with the wall. Dems voted mostly no wall. A few voted for both and two Repubs voted no on both.


Also if you can find the tweet from Cspan where Jeff Bennet is tearing Ted Cruz a new one, you should look at it. 


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7 minutes ago, Doc Democracy said:

Is it only here that it is reported that Mr Trump said that grocery stores would work with federal workers and not charge them for food because "that is how it works"?  Is it not noteworthy that that kind of statement by the President is no longer noteworthy??


So, by that thinking, federal workers should be able to go to any Trump hotel or restaurant and get free lodging and food, right?  Because "that's how it works." 


I'd love to see a bunch of federal workers try to get free eats at one of his restaurants.  I'll bet that would go over well.

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27 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:


So, by that thinking, federal workers should be able to go to any Trump hotel or restaurant and get free lodging and food, right?  Because "that's how it works." 


I'd love to see a bunch of federal workers try to get free eats at one of his restaurants.  I'll bet that would go over well.


This is a symptom of the same mindset as behind Wilbur Ross's comment that federal workers should take out loans. These are people who have been privileged all their lives, and have no experience or comprehension of what's demanded of people who have to work to survive.

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2 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


This is a symptom of the same mindset as behind Wilbur Ross's comment that federal workers should take out loans. These are people who have been privileged all their lives, and have no experience or comprehension of what's demanded of people who have to work to survive.


Yup. It's interesting  how profoundly tone deaf to reality folks like Ross are. He's hardly alone in that, but he's one of those we have on footage of pretty much showing his ignorance of how the brittle class is forced to live. 


And the comments about 800,000 people don't matter? Dude, we have states with fewer people than that. 

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1 hour ago, BoloOfEarth said:


So, by that thinking, federal workers should be able to go to any Trump hotel or restaurant and get free lodging and food, right?  Because "that's how it works." 


I'd love to see a bunch of federal workers try to get free eats at one of his restaurants.  I'll bet that would go over well.


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1 hour ago, Hermit said:


Yup. It's interesting  how profoundly tone deaf to reality folks like Ross are. He's hardly alone in that, but he's one of those we have on footage of pretty much showing his ignorance of how the brittle class is forced to live. 


And the comments about 800,000 people don't matter? Dude, we have states with fewer people than that. 

I thought this quantifying of 800k people only in terms of economic impact was really telling. He cited them in relation to GDP as a percentage that "doesn't matter".


Yikes. That's going to get heavy rotation (and it should).


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Air Traffic Controllers say risks are rising due staffing and stress issues


Also, breaking from CNN:


Breaking: Air traffic delayed at LaGuardia, Philadelphia, and Newark Airports due to staffing issues at an FAA regional air traffic control center, according to FAA. Air Traffic union leader tells us this is a direct result of shutdown @CNNnewsroom

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Yesterday, All Things Considered interviewed two groups of prison guards who aren't getting paid due to the shutdown. Some highlights:

* Mockery from the inmates came as no surprise to them.

* Noted that inmates working sub-minimum wage prison jobs are still getting paid.

* Many bribe attempts from inmates, promising that money can be given in return for smuggling in cigarettes... drugs,,, cell phones... guns.

* Even in this small number, they knew a fellow guard who attempted suicide over this. (He survived.)

* They are all extremely angry at being used as political pawns. Or hostages. Some to the point of tears, and I don't see prison guards as delicate flowers.


It's horrible to say so, but if the guards at a prison quit en masse and walked out -- leaving all the doors unlocked behind them -- I could not find it in my heart to condemn them.


Dean Shomshak

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17 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


He hasn't seen/heard the reaction from the conservative pundits yet.


It's going to be ugly.  Trump folded like a cheap suit.  I'd expect him to do something else unspeakably cruel next week in order to appease them, like kidnap migrant children and throw them into concentration camps.

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1 hour ago, Starlord said:

Looks like Trump will sign a 3 week temp opening without wall funds.


So, five weeks off, three weeks on, then what, another five weeks off? 


16 minutes ago, Old Man said:

I'd expect him to do something else unspeakably cruel next week in order to appease them, like kidnap migrant children and throw them into concentration camps.


That's so last April.  Surely he can come up with something original. 

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55 minutes ago, Old Man said:


It's going to be ugly.  Trump folded like a cheap suit.  I'd expect him to do something else unspeakably cruel next week in order to appease them, like kidnap migrant children and throw them into concentration camps.


I suspect Trump's bargaining position has been permanently damaged by this turn of events. He's demonstrated that his bluster and threats are mostly bluff and show, and if he's firmly called on them he won't pull the trigger. We all suspected that, of course, but now it's obvious.


What I'm waiting for now is the reaction of his base of support. Will this be enough for them to finally start abandoning him?

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