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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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17 hours ago, Ragitsu said:

Wanting to repeal child labor laws, retarding the development of green energy technologies, wanting to make abortion access as arduous to obtain as is possible, keeping wages stagnant for as long as possible, trying to reintroduce religion into the classroom (NOT elective courses, which are another topic altogether), reducing corporate tax rates until they're at "robber-baron" levels...


It is almost as if the Republican party is a bunch of cartoonishly evil politicians.


This is what I was responding to, Christopher. And I was thinking more of Cruz, Huckabee, Trump et al. Not to mention Ryan and the Turtle.

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2 hours ago, Doc Shadow said:


This is what I was responding to, Christopher. And I was thinking more of Cruz, Huckabee, Trump et al. Not to mention Ryan and the Turtle.

I was not aware that any of them were running for President. Wich was the point where you confused me.

I am pretty sure that "working for the President" and "running for Presodent" mean very different things.

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26 minutes ago, Pattern Ghost said:

Eh, that just means they're being obvious about it now. They've been in the pocket of big agriculture for  years.


Yes, but you see, like public masturbation, it is gross either way but we prefer our congressmen conduct their business under the table rather than atop the linguini.

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3 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:

Eh, that just means they're being obvious about it now. They've been in the pocket of big agriculture for  years.

Wich is why Obama signed a executive order saying "you need to be out of lobbying at least 2 years".

Wich Trump promply reduced to "out of lobbying for this thematic at least 2 years". And then handed out Waivers for that requirement like Candy too.

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4 hours ago, csyphrett said:

Rubio authored the loss of pools for insurance to hurt the ACA and now he wants to author paid family leave out of Social Security. I don't believe that for a minute, especially with Mike Lee involved.


Every day you spend in this "paid leave" is a day you retire later.

That is not paid family leave. That is forcing people to hurt themself to spend time with their kid. So it is right up the Republican way of thinking!

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31 minutes ago, Hermit said:


I need to stop checking this thread. I keep throwing up in my mouth a little.




The older I get, the more George Carlin's words about (and i'm paraphrasing here) crappy politicians coming from a crappy people or rather a crappy system ring true.

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