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More practically, from what I'm reading into the situation, a solid background in unarmed self-defense would probably been more useful.  A knife in close quarters is an ugly scenario.  In a moving, small, crowded space, random bullets flying about are real low on my desired additions to the situation.

Yeah, from the details that I've picked up since I posted, it sounds like the killer was surprisingly fast and accurate with that knife, and like the only things that would have saved someone in that situation would be very good unarmed combat skills, or wearing a gorget.


I should add a quick-clot pack to the first aid stuff I carry. It wouldn't have helped in this case, but it could save a life on a less well-placed hit.

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Christian was arraigned yesterday and turned it into a circus. I am not going to repeat the details because they are too sickening and repulsive. If there is such a thing as a devil on Earth, it's him and those who share his view of the world.


The Elton John/Bernie Taupin song I quote in my signature has another verse that perfectly describes him: "Hate breeds those who think difference is a chi8ld of disease". The sort of people who think to threaten the lives of total strangers because of what they look like is an acceptable form of "free speech".

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Huh, it turns out his crazy extends way beyond hating Muslims. 




On his Facebook wall, Christian called for a “Monotheist Holocaust,” the “Final Solution to the Monotheist Question.” He wrote that he wants to “put an end to the Monotheist Question.  All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ’s teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!”

In another post, he wrote: “I want a job in Norway cutting off the heads of people that Circumsize Babies…Like if you agree!!!”

Judging from what we know, it would seem that Christian equally disdains all three of the Earth’s great monotheistic traditions, or at least those of their forms that Christian takes to be their perversions (Zionist Judaism, Jihadi Islam, Christians who do not follow Christ).  Police have confirmed that Christian was hardly the obsessed “Islamophobe” that the media is making him out to be, instead ranting about all sorts of matters.


I kind of wonder if he was a little brain damaged from when he got shot in the face robbing a convenience store.

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"I follow Christ's message of peace, love, and charity by berating those of other faiths and slashing strangers in the throat. I know he'll be pleased when I see him!"


Somehow I don't think Jesus will all that pleased with him.


Somehow I don't think Jesus will ever see him. I'm thinking that his path in the afterlife will be in the totally opposite direction.

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You know, I'm not going to wail and gnash teeth over this without knowing whether or not the thing we're not in would have made a bit of difference anyway. Sure, it's an indicator of the mindset of our current majority leadership. Not one I'm thrilled about, to be honest.


But the first thing I asked myself was: So, what's in the Paris Climate Accords, and would they have been worth signing on to anyway? I vaguely recall some criticism of the Accords from when Obama was in office. In trying to research just the accords themselves, I ran into Google's infatuation with Trump's involvement, and couldn't find much that actually explained just what the ____ we were supposed to be getting into in the first place.


I did find this article that mentions some of the failings of the Kyoto agreement that are potential pitfalls for Paris. It does seem to make some valid points. It's from April of last  year.


If I didn't have a splitting headache and a swollen ankle, I'd probably dig around a bit more so that I could worry properly, but I just don't have the energy at the moment.

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