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For those masochists who want to keep abreast of the nalt-right's hopes at their smarmiest, today's episode of the public radio investigative program Reveal had a repeat interview with White Nationalist maven Richard Spencer. Spencer has been coy about how he funds his policy advocacy group, so Reveal did some searching and found that the guy's family is very rich, and a lot seems to come from a cotton plantation in the poorest part of Louisiana. Which rakes in millions a year in Federal subsidies. The show's host wondered if Spencer saw any inconsistency between railing against the universal corruption of American government, and profiting from it. As expected, he didn't.


As a small point of linguistic purity, Spencer seems curiously imprecise in what he means by the word "privilege," as in "White Privilege." But he was honest enough to admit that he likes White Privilege very much and wants it to continue.


Dean Shomshak

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His opponents have probably been saying it for weeks. His hard core supporters won't unless and until they see their situation has started to deteriorate, or at least not improve.


They will never say it.  Surveys show that Trump voters believe the economy improved sharply after Trump's election.  (In some cases even before he took office.)  When we lose our healthcare it will be because Obamacare was so flawed.  When we still can't get good manufacturing jobs it will be because of those obstructionist Dems in congress.  If anyone does say it it will be immediately followed by "but Hillary would have been worse."

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My favorite explanation of the "trickle-down" economic theory came from the Dinosaurs! satirical comedy television series, by the Henson company.


Most rich people live in big houses on top of hills. If we give rich people more money, some of it is bound to fall out of their pockets and trickle down to where the poor people live.

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Supply side dragonomics. If you give the dragons more money, they will invest it in job creating enterprises, rather than simply hoarding it for themselves.


Hmmm, if you give the dragons more money they don't destroy your village, eat your livestock, and demand your maidens conveniently delivered in chains.


However, they expect a continual stream of wealth which will force you to exploit ever more of your village's resources -- which results in an increased demand for labor.


In the short term.


Eventually you begin to deplete your exploitable resources, which in no way changes the dragons expectations, forcing you to find ways of cutting your costs (labor being a favored target) to continue meeting the dragons demands.


The question becomes whether you run out of resources or your labor pool collapses.


On the plus side, by this time you're too scrawny to bother eating -- unless the dragons insist on maximizing their resource utilization before moving on to fresher territory.

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It's a bit late, but getting back to the odious and idiotic Rep. King: When I read his snide question of "What have any of those other [non-white] subgroups ever done, anyway?" I really wanted to strap him down and read him a list. I'd start with the Chinese: gunpowder, the compass, paper, the seismograph... An hour or so later, I'd start on India: Our present numbering system, for a start. Including the zero, which is one of the most important mathematical concepts of all time -- and is obviously about what he knows about the rest of the world. Then move on to the Arabs...


It might be a while before I could get to Native Americans, who rocked at plant domestication. Has Rep. King ever eaten a potato, corn on the cob, or a pumpkin pie?


Btw, watching Henry Louis Gates' new series on African history, it now appears that West Africans -- not the Hittites -- were the first to smelt iron.


Dean Shomshak

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It's a bit late, but getting back to the odious and idiotic Rep. King: When I read his snide question of "What have any of those other [non-white] subgroups ever done, anyway?" I really wanted to strap him down and read him a list. I'd start with the Chinese: gunpowder, the compass, paper, the seismograph... An hour or so later, I'd start on India: Our present numbering system, for a start. Including the zero, which is one of the most important mathematical concepts of all time -- and is obviously about what he knows about the rest of the world. Then move on to the Arabs...


It might be a while before I could get to Native Americans, who rocked at plant domestication. Has Rep. King ever eaten a potato, corn on the cob, or a pumpkin pie?


Btw, watching Henry Louis Gates' new series on African history, it now appears that West Africans -- not the Hittites -- were the first to smelt iron.


Dean Shomshak

He probably also denies evolution, possibly since evolution has pretty much proven that Homo Sapiens is an African species in origin. Anyone who thinks nothing good has ever come out of Africa should look around and see that there are a lot of people around, all descended from particularly successful African primates.


Of course, King sounds like the sort of man who would be angry and insulted if you called him a homo sapiens....

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So Trump is demanding an Obamacare repeal vote today, after a few days of delays while the GOP tried to take out mandatory coverages for pregnancy, maternity, mental health, and emergency services.  That way, even if the insurance companies are forced to cover you despite your preexisting conditions, they don't have to cover anything you have that might actually be expensive to treat.  Incredibly, even this was not enough to assure passage by the GOP caucus, many of whom want a straight Obamacare repeal despite the casualties it will inflict among their constituents.


Male GOP members managed to draw even more attention to this by making jokes about their access to mammograms and saying that single moms should have gotten married if they wanted health insurance.

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It appears that the Obamacare repeal is off, as the GOP was short by about fifty votes (which is an awful lot).  A visibly angry Paul Ryan gave a press conference to announce that they're giving up for now and will instead break Obamacare from within like they're doing with the EPA and Department of Education.

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