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And now certain folks on twitter are claiming that campus protestors are only doing so because they're being paid too.  :stupid::sick:  I mean I'm used to stupid arguments from Trump supporters by this point but this sets new lows in stupidity, if you ask me.

That's bad but still not as bad as the guys who think Sandy Hook never happened and make death threats against the parents of the victims.

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That's bad but still not as bad as the guys who think Sandy Hook never happened and make death threats against the parents of the victims.

Okay now that's just disgusting on many levels.  Though sadly not surprising considering the current "government" of the US refuses to even acknowledge terrorism by white people even though the Oklahoma Bombing, which if I'm not mistaken has the highest death toll of any act of terrorism on US soil, was committed by a white guy.  :sick: 

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The Oklahoma Bombing (168 people dead) was the highest death toll of an act of terrorism until the 9-11 attacks (2,996 people killed).

My error then.  Still, it was very bad and committed by an admitted white supremacist.  Thus the fact that white supremacists aren't on the terrorist watch list is absolutely shocking to say the least.

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The fact that the US doesn't consider that guy who shot up the mosque in Quebec a terrorist but considered all Muslims potential ones, even if they're as young as five, is absolutely sickening.


Please don't confuse Trump with "the US".  At best it's "less than half the US", which I know is terrible, but still.

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White Supremacists love Trump, and his followers have been eager to harass people who have spoken out against him or whom he's targeted in Twitter tirades. Removing far-right extremism from multi-agency scrutiny isn't simply morally repugnant, I think it's strategic.


The playbook for any far right leader facing declining popularity was written a long time ago. You peddle conspiracy theories and crackpot economic policies to the uneducated masses, you lie so much and so blatantly that the distinction between truth and fiction loses all meaning, you encourage the worst instincts in the population, you erode the independence of the courts and the media, you engage in massive voter suppression, you find easily scapegoated populations to target for intense persecution, you shovel money into the military and law enforcement while removing mechanisms for their public accountability, you start a war, you demonize dissenters, and you take sympathetic right wing paramilitary gangs off the leashes that previously restrained them.


Trump may not be smart enough to figure this out, but Bannon certainly is.

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Please don't confuse Trump with "the US".  At best it's "less than half the US", which I know is terrible, but still.

I know that, unfortunately he know decides government policy in certain things.  Hence in this instance I used "US" referring specifically to the government and those unfortunate enough to have to follow it's policies, rather then the people of the US.

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So, first we get a Secretary of Education who has no public education experience whatsoever, and now we've got half a dozen Representatives (including one from my state) sponsoring a bill to eliminate the Department of Education entirely by the end of 2018.


I have no words.

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So, first we get a Secretary of Education who has no public education experience whatsoever, and now we've got half a dozen Representatives (including one from my state) sponsoring a bill to eliminate the Department of Education entirely by the end of 2018.

I have no words.

May I ask why the federal government should have a department of education? What does it do better than individual states when it comes to education? I'm not trying to be hostile and I don't have strong opinions one way or the other it's just that I keep hearing how vital it is to have a deprartment of education but not really any reasons other than a) of course we do and b ) we have to keep certain states in line.
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Recently on twitter somebody brought up the President Luthor storyline from DC Comics.  He mentioned that when Lex Luthor became President he divested his company and released his tax returns.  This doesn't really have much to do with actual politics of course, but I thought it might give everybody a chuckle.

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That's somewhat of a misunderstanding of what the Department does. Generally what it does is coordinate federal funding of state education programs, and ensure that civil rights laws pertaining to education are followed and enforced. It doesn't dictate curricula to the states or micromanage their systems.

It also funds Pell Grants and other programs aimed at low-income or special needs students. So abolishing the Department of Education won't affect you unless you're one of the 17,000 employees who work there, or are a poor or disadvantaged child.


Speaking of the latter, in 2010 the company I worked for volunteered to help out one of the public elementary schools in the 7th Ward in New Orleans. I'm not sure if any of the painting I did that day actually helped anything because you're not really supposed to paint when it's below freezing, but one of my coworkers happened to have a dyslexic daughter, and he was able to figure out that one of the problem third graders was dyslexic. And the teacher actually cried because they just couldn't figure out why they couldn't teach this one otherwise bright kid, but armed with an informal diagnosis they could at least look for programs to help him. Without some kind of program that kid was fdoomed: no money, no healthcare, dysfunctional family, dyslexic. If he didn't get into some kind of special ed program or tutoring I'd be astonished if he's even still in school. Guess we'll just replace the Department of Education with the Department of Corrections.

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