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Looks like Chelsea Manning got commuted, and that's one call Trump can't reverse. If Assange follows through with his offer, that will make for an interesting news cycle.



Yeah, it looks like that follow through won't happen after all.

Assange lawyer: Manning commutation doesn't meet extradition offer's conditions


I'll admit to being surprised. I thought Assange was going just a little crazy being stuck in the embassy. I thought maybe he was almost looking for an excuse to leave it.  I am a sucker.

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This troubles me. I am opposed to violence in protest, including self-violence. Not least because the emotions and logic required to make one individual do that to themselves would cause another individual to enact violence on others. I don't like Trump. I dislike violence in politics even more. No assassinations please. No hoping for assassinations. Lets just get through these next four years together.


Man set himself on fire as act of protest outside Trump's DC Hotel


And more troubling, in searching for details on this self immolation, I found out it had happened elsewhere.

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Pretty sure that he's pretty sure he's literally dead the instant he sets foot outside that embassy - no matter what the truth of the matter may be.


A man who has become notorious for releasing things that paint the government in a negative and untrustworthy way can hardly be expected to expect them to be trustworthy now.


Yeah, it looks like that follow through won't happen after all.

Assange lawyer: Manning commutation doesn't meet extradition offer's conditions


I'll admit to being surprised. I thought Assange was going just a little crazy being stuck in the embassy. I thought maybe he was almost looking for an excuse to leave it.  I am a sucker.

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 It is all very well to say that you "Didn't vote against planned parenthood", but I don't think that Trump and the Republicans ever made any secret that that was one of the programmes that they wanted to get rid of should they be elected. To quote "Super Chicken" "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it", so complaining about what is likely to happen  NOW is "closing the barn door after the horse has bolted".

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 It is all very well to say that you "Didn't vote against planned parenthood", but I don't think that Trump and the Republicans ever made any secret that that was one of the programmes that they wanted to get rid of should they be elected. To quote "Super Chicken" "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it", so complaining about what is likely to happen  NOW is "closing the barn door after the horse has bolted".


Exactly.  This is why it's important to educate yourself on more than what the candidate is saying - he represents a PARTY. There are jokes online about people who are happy to get rid of Obamacare because they're protected by the ACA but there are also people who didn't truly realise that 'oh, wait... they're going to trash my coverage the first opportunity they get.'  


If you don't like what THEY want to do then no matter what you think of the candidate you should probably reconsider.  Not doing so is exactly what the parties count on.

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Trump keeping 50 Obama appointees. Part of that is that Trump had to scramble a little bit to fill posts. Part of it is that it just isn't all that weird to keep some lower posts from the last administration. Obama did it.


one I did find amusing was


President Obama nominated Szubin as undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence in 2015, but he was never confirmed by the GOP-controlled Senate. 


*snicker* so the GOP couldn't stand to confirm him, but they're happy to keep him on? Oh, politics.

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As I recall, at one point Trump's inaugural committee was supposedly offering diplomatic positions to anyone who could get an A-List celebrity to appear at the inauguration.


...Here it is.




Two talent bookers, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, told the Wrap members of Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee contacted them “with offers of cash or even plush diplomatic posts in exchange for locking in singers.”
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It's not uncommon for ambassadorships to "easy countries" to be given as political gifts.  The actual work gets done by the staff, and the "ambassador" lives it up in the embassy, and for the rest of their life they get to use the honorific 'ambassador'.


"The reservation is under Smith. No? Maybe Ambassador Smith. Ah, there it is."

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Trump and Putin are both "alpha male" personalities. Maybe that's what Trump finds appealing about him. But the Donald has only played that game when the stakes were financial bragging rights. Putin has literally gambled with his life for much of his career.


If Trump tries to confront him on that level, I predict Putin will eat him alive.

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So Mexico extradition of El Chapo timed to give Obama the credit.


Say what you like about him, Barack Obama's tenure boasts an impressive toll on the Nation's enemies. El Chapo now, but Bin Laden and Quaddafi. Plus so many other whose names are less well known.


It's kind of surprising his opponents revile him so much. If he had a different letter after his name they'd be building statues.

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