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We already have instances of these clowns rushing into pizza joints, assault rifles blazing, to rescue infants from the child trafficking rings that they know are in there.  Literally. 


Don't exaggerate.  It's only happened once.  



What about when a candidate's campaign attempts to influence the electors with threats of political reprisal?


There's nothing illegal about that.  That's basically how the electoral college has always worked.  

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pro tip:  Hefeweissen (or hefeweizen), not hefenweizen.




(and before anyone in our German contingent corrects me, more properly hefeweißier)



When you start to get into "real ales" (it's a thing), let me know...there's a whole world out there for you to get into....





[we now return you to your regularly scheduled political rantings]

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I would have to buy alcohol more regularly to have a drinking problem.  My laziness wins out again!


A hack like that could be accomplished by many different parties, from what I saw going out at the time the emails were being leaked.  Email break-ins aren't usually sophisticated... but I have no clue what the DNC was doing to manage their messaging system.  Many are poorly maintained and filled with vulnerabilities.



Of course... a state sponsor certainly makes it easier and more affordable, and my money would be on Russia if I had to choose.

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A hack like that could be accomplished by many different parties, from what I saw going out at the time the emails were being leaked.

Yes, but all the evidence points to the Russian government. Russian metadata, Russian servers, Russian infiltration techniques. In the intelligence world, "high confidence" means "smoking gun".

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Oh yes.  I'm sure it was the Russian government.  I'm more cautioning against the idea that the technology was all that insurmountable to begin with.


I'm still in disbelief at how many people couldn't believe an insecure email server was used by Hillary Clinton.  (pardon my edit, I am sick and lacking of sleep ;) )


"Okay and what else is new?"

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An observations from these boards from a few years back: "Voters put more stock in the threats of their enemies than the promises of their friends." That is, they know that the person they vote for probably won't deliver what they promised, but the other guy, who promises things they don't like, would deliver all that and more.


And suddenly I see this from the other side.


This Trump voter didn't think Trump was serious about repealing her health insurance


Tribalism run amok: Now Donald Trump voters are worried he might take their Obamacare away


Trump promised to repeal Obamacare, but it turns out Americans like most of it, a poll finds


Talk about your buyer's remorse. I have pretty good insurance. I hope lower-income Trump supporters are taken care of.

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An observations from these boards from a few years back: "Voters put more stock in the threats of their enemies than the promises of their friends." That is, they know that the person they vote for probably won't deliver what they promised, but the other guy, who promises things they don't like, would deliver all that and more.


And suddenly I see this from the other side.


This Trump voter didn't think Trump was serious about repealing her health insurance


Tribalism run amok: Now Donald Trump voters are worried he might take their Obamacare away


Trump promised to repeal Obamacare, but it turns out Americans like most of it, a poll finds


Talk about your buyer's remorse. I have pretty good insurance. I hope lower-income Trump supporters are taken care of.



Am I the only one who has an immense feeling of schadenfreude?


I am a very evil person.

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