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Hmm. There's an element of "Not our problem" and "Not even recognising that they need do anything to help fix it" in that pic that isn't necessarily reflected in the general "How do you like being fooled, chumps?" derision that's generally heaped by the anti-Trump upon the Trumpettes.

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Not going to link the articles but a quick summary:

Washington Post: CIA convinced Russia hacked election specifically to get Trump elected; Obama called a meeting of lawmakers to try to put a bipartisan statement together, Dems on board, Republicans balked and Mitch McConnell threatened to accuse Obama of playing partisan politics if he went public with it; coincidentally, Mitch's wife just got named as a potential cabinet secretary

NYT: As above, except the reason the CIA was persuaded it was to elect Trump? Because the Russians hacked the RNC too...and sat on those pilfered documents while releasing those of the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

(NSFW link--language)


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Is rpg.net concerned that the CIA has found that Russia did influence the election? Or that the president-elect is blowing off that report like he blows off all his intelligence reports?

To be fair, it's possible that Trump is blowing it off because it's old information to him. If he wants regular updates on that he can just call his handler. :P
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Is rpg.net concerned that the CIA has found that Russia did influence the election? Or that the president-elect is blowing off that report like he blows off all his intelligence reports?

Oh yeah. Some of them are wondering if this will go to court. If it does, Hillary might be rewarded the race, The problem is a smoking gun is needed.


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You'd need evidence of outright collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. And you'd need it before the inauguration. After that point, I think it's probably going to be too late.

Won't happen. They would have to trace things back to a specific guy and get a sworn statement. Even if the CIA was that good, they couldn't do it before Jan.


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December 19th could get reeeallly interesting yet.


Oh, yes.


Electors Request Intelligence Briefing on Russia Election Interference


And those stories of Electors still trying to get Romney or Kasich (basically  persuade enough R electors to write on of them, and then all the Dems jump on and say "better than Trump"), and that group that popped up and offered to pay the Faithless Elector fees.


Of course, in the end, it just makes for mild political theater.  Trump will be president, and none of this will stop that. (but then, I never thought trump would win the nomination, and then I never thought he'd win)


That said, I still hope one of these "interesting" scenarios play out.

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There are 2, maybe 3 correlated issues wrapped up in the Russian hacks. The first, and most obvious one, is the effort to interfere with and tilt the outcome of the election, and what it says about our relationship with Russia going forward. The second is our insecure cyber infrastructure and what we need to do to make it more secure going forward. The last, but not least, is the Trump campaign and its degree of connection to all this.

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I'm trying really hard to decide whether that would be an improvement or not.  


Well, kidding aside.  I find the idea of wanting 38 electoral voters to tell their states' voters to f*** off, quite disturbing.  I don't like Trump but if something this disgustingly shady took place, I will be out their with the "crazies" protesting.


Note: Now finding something crazy about the Russian influence (highly unlikely though)......

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Well, kidding aside.  I find the idea of wanting 38 electoral voters to tell their states' voters to f*** off, quite disturbing.  I don't like Trump but if something this disgustingly shady took place, I will be out their with the "crazies" protesting.


Note: Now finding something crazy about the Russian influence (highly unlikely though)......

I wouldn't consider that shady at all.  Disgustingly shady is 38 electoral voters telling the more then two million voters who voted for Hillary, allowing her to win the popular vote to f*** off as they put the person most of the country voted against into office.

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