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I kind of see it as his application for the position of Fox News commentator.


Don't think they'd have him after that announcement a few months ago.  (which is why I say Kobayashi Maru.)


Or rather, most conservatives see that press conference back then as him spending 5 minutes explaining why Clinton should be prosecuted, and then say she wont be prosecuted.

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Didn't know his boss told him not to say anything.  Guess we'll find out how tolerant his boss is shortly.


I think at this point, both parties want to string him up. Probably before this. Maybe he just said the heck with it.


Maybe, he wanted to unite the country with its hatred for him.

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It's a no win situation. If they announce now, they're trying to torpedo Hillary. If they wait until after the election, they'll be accused of trying to protect her.


Here's the thing: They have to make the announcement at some point. 


Only if they found something actionable.  

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That is the only thing that made me ever consider Trump, for even 10 seconds.  The idea of a liberal Supreme Court for the rest of my life, gives a feeling of hopeless. (then again the only Supreme Court justice I actually like is Kennedy aka the only one capable of independent thought-conservative or liberal)

Well, now you know how I feel, after 3 decades of a conservative Court.

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Well, now you know how I feel, after 3 decades of a conservative Court.

Well, I say it has been conservative-ish, hard to say a 5-4 court is a heavy leaner, especially when you have an independent like Kennedy.  If they get to put in 3, it'll tip like a seesaw with a fat kid.  If it was 5-4 either way, you can always hope one lone wolf goes rogue now and then.


Edit: I do agree the conservatives should have been the happy side many more times on rulings than not in those decades.

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I kind of hope this is only Reid doing his typical bully imitation.


Looking at the Hatch Act, and doing my best to be impartial, charging Comey without extremely hard evidence will cause more harm than good.  From my perspective, it seems that it could potentially neuter the FBI in investigating illegal political doings (which living in the real world should be obvious something that we definitely do not want) and completely past a certain point in an election year.  I doubt that would be a good thing.  At the very least a campaigning politicians would have free reign to cry Hatch Act with any investigation on them in an election year.


Not sure that best response to opening a can of worms, is to open a bigger can of worms.

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Comey needs to provide some measure of clarification--or at least to state what this is NOT.


That would indeed be nice.  But, Comey has proven clarifying himself isn't a strong suit for him.


In 2016, he seems he is trying to straddle the political fence, and now he is about to get impaled testicle first.


Edit:  Giving Comey the biggest benefit of the doubt I possibly can.  He has appeared twice in less than 6 months, to seem to be an exceptionally weak leader  (and if either of the allegations I seem to be hearing of him is true at all, months ago caving into pressure to make the scandal go away. Or the current one pressured by his subordinates to bring it back.  Then a good case could be made he is also a spineless leader.  At the very least he is shown t be inadequate for the job at hand at every turn.).  Perhaps I am being harsh, but he is in that Kobayashi Maru I mentioned and it is nearly all of his own making.



Note: In sports, a coach who loses respect from both his GM and players is soon to be fired (Browns always being the exception)

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I kind of hope this is only Reid doing his typical bully imitation.


Looking at the Hatch Act, and doing my best to be impartial, charging Comey without extremely hard evidence will cause more harm than good.  From my perspective, it seems that it could potentially neuter the FBI in investigating illegal political doings (which living in the real world should be obvious something that we definitely do not want) and completely past a certain point in an election year.  I doubt that would be a good thing.  At the very least a campaigning politicians would have free reign to cry Hatch Act with any investigation on them in an election year.


Not sure that best response to opening a can of worms, is to open a bigger can of worms.


Nope, it's to go fishing.

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I find it interesting that in Painter's own op-ed piece, he mentions:  "(For the sake of full disclosure, in this election I have supported Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Hillary Clinton for president, in that order.)"


Whereas the KOS article says, "Painter, a former George W. Bush, Marco Rubio and John Kasich supporter..."


I guess Hillary didn't make the cut there.  Well, neither did Jeb, but leaving him out doesn't really change the implications of that statement.  Leaving her out does, at least IMO.


(For the sake of full disclosure, I'm not a Trump nor a Clinton supporter, nor am I a registered Republican or Democrat.  I'll probably vote for Hillary because I'd rather chew tinfoil while diving naked into a pool filled with razor blades than take a chance on Trump getting in the White House.)


I just find it interesting how people on both sides of the fence subtly twist things to fit their narratives.

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