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I'm Hermit and I hate Aquaman, Tennessee and .. apple pie, I guess?


[Edit] Uhm, this account hijacking thing is hard. Could you just maybe lend me your password, Hermit, old buddy?


No no... not hijacking, never said that... you should have just created an account like "Canadian Girlfriend 10" and then claimed you loved Aquaman, but done it while spouting vile hateful things (Racist or anti Kitty Pryde things) so folks would associate real Aquaman fans with vile behavior

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I had to refresh my memory on her - I suppose the Equal Rights Party doesn't qualify as a major party so the qualified hurdle has been cleared.  Her VP - Frederick Douglass?! Wow, really ahead of their time.  (and her second husband - Col. James Blood, which totally sounds like a pulp character).

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Trump and Hillary.  God, how depressing...


...but NFL Training Camps started today so, YEEHAW i'm saved!!!  :rockon: :rockon:

 No, you're distracted.


Come January, one of that pair will be President in all probability.


If we're lucky, neither will be truly terrible if elected.

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I know I know... HIllary is the first major party female nom so still props.... 

But, Minor party or not,  I can also see Jill Stein informing the dems "What took ya so long?" :)



Did you know that the Libertarians have had three women run as VP. The very first one, Tonie Nathan, was also our very first VP pick for the party. So, maybe we could be wondering what took everyone so long. ^-^



Yes, I know VP is not quite the same as Pres but darn close!

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Get Bill Clinton in front of Democratic voters as often as possible. Dang.


Focusing on "she gets things done" is a smart tactic when paired with "if you care about making things better" and specific policy Hillary has implemented through the years. It's not touchy feely, but really is her strength.


And Bill humanized her in a way others haven't been able to in my opinion. Really good speech.

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The man definitely has the gift of gab - that's why he's been such a successful politician.  But every four years we go through something like this - warm homilies and witty anecdotes to make the candidate seem personable, workaday, trustworthy; someone you can believe has your best interests at heart.  Sheer manipulation.  Sweetener to make the castor oil go down - continuing regressive tax policies, hollowing out of the middle class, and endless military engagements on the pretense of safety.  The same shell game.  Every. Four. Years.

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I think tonight did a decent job of challenging the 2-dimensional caricature/demonization of the nominee. Lots of personal testimonials plus her husband's recollections of all his wife's achievements, concerns and endeavors over the years of her life.


Are you guys watching these testimonials? It's like finding out that Scrooge was actually anonymously helping the unfortunate for years.


She has incredibly high unfavorability ratings for a candidate with far more favorable coverage than Sanders, Trump and Cruz and I will not assume most people dislike her simply because they are ignorant and uninformed, just like I won't assume that people who like her are clueless lemmings.  25 years is a long time to build up a lot of good deeds...and bad deeds.

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An optimist is here?  KILL IT WITH FIRE!

I should be so lucky.


Besides, if I dwell too much on "truly terrible" with my choice for worst pick for prez I might as well engrave my name on a bullet.


Fortunately I know worst case scenarios don't always happen and media hyperbole during the political season tends to be even more over the top than usual.

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She has incredibly high unfavorability ratings for a candidate with far more favorable coverage than Sanders, Trump and Cruz and I will not assume most people dislike her simply because they are ignorant and uninformed, just like I won't assume that people who like her are clueless lemmings.  25 years is a long time to build up a lot of good deeds...and bad deeds.

She's also unambiguously and undeniably been the target of a concerted campaign to rough up and dirty her (and Bill) politically. "The Hunting of the President" by Joe Conason, and "Blinded by the Right", by David Brock, extensively document this. It's not like this adverse rep developed in a vacuum and is based solely on her record. It's also based upon a deliberate bad faith mischaracterization of her record, mixed with lies, smears and mischaracterizations. And a portion of the electorate eager to uncritically believe all of the panegyrics against her.

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