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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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It is my understanding that some Scots are flying Mexican flags to annoy him.  That's a start.


You could always offer him Euros as a donation to his campaign, seeing as you won't be needing them anymore.  Or maybe a couple of farthings.  You still use those coins, right?  Anyway, every little bit helps.


You could also play bagpipes wherever he goes to drown him out.  I saw a Facebook video where someone did that to some white supremacist jerk.


Or you could point at him when he's looking at you, pretend to whisper something into a friend's ear, then giggle at him.  That always drives people nuts.


Hope that helps.

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Is there no chance of Clinton-Sanders? What stage is the actual nomination process at? I remember Bernie saying he'd support Hillary's candidacy if she won the Dem nomination: has he conceded?

Sanders hasn't formally conceded; of course Clinton won't formally be the nominee until the July convention when the delegates vote.  Bernie just released an op-ed:




It basically reiterates all his campaign's main priorities, and that he expects most/all of these to be present in the party platform.  Some folks are accusing him of being a sore loser; I think it shows a lot of integrity to continue the fight, and not immediately bargain away his grassroots support in some bid to increase his personal cachet of political power. 

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If she picks Elizabeth Warren as her VP, I would be baffled and confounded by a reluctance that persisted beyond that event. It would be clear with that pick that she was nodding towards the progressives and turning her back on Wall Street and towards real reform. I expect some of Sanders' policy ideas will make it into the party platform, and that there will be some changes to the primary process. Debbie Wasserman Schulz has already been reduced to a figurehead role and will be gone after the election. That said, some of what Sanders wants will NOT make it into the platform.

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"Tramps Against Trump" will send you a picture of a naked person if you vote for someone who isn't Trump. (not just naked ladies either) (that link is PG13)


I kind of thought it was illegal to give stuff to people for voting a particular way.  But then, they just have you send a picture of yourself at the booth.  So a person could vote Trump and still get the Pr0n, I think.


I didn't read the previous pages, so sorry if it is a repeat, but in related news, 1,500 women volunteered to protest the Republican convention naked

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Well for one, the big tentacled deadbeat still owes me fifty grand and a bottle of Captain Morgan from our last game of Texas Hold 'Em.


Besides, Lord Aizen had better things to do this year...


Sounds like Cthulhu would be the perfect President by your description.

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It may violate the rules of the thread but I have to ask.


Trump is in Scotland at the moment. Can we on this side of the Atlantic do anything for Americans while he is here ?


Looks like he did something to himself.




Just arrived in Scotland.  Place is going wild over the vote.  They took their country back, just like we will take America back - Donald J. Trump


Ummm, no.  They voted unanimously to remain.

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Two days until the Australian Federal Election. It's been the longest campaign in our history - two months.


Apparently, the Senate voting paper in my state is longer than the width of the polling booths. You can't actually open it all the way up when you are voting. It's probably the same in other states. (We use stubby pencil voting, not computers.)


Unfortunately, there will be a by-election in my State parliamentary seat in two weeks time, since the former member is running for the Federal parliament. He had to resign to do that. It's causing a bit of confusion, since there are signs up for both elections.

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