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Sword With Personality???

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Rhino you stated two key terms, trust and dramatic needs. For some gm and players that works fine others not so much. Rhino i like and try to keep things simple and prefer one page charcter sheets however since the player wants a sword with personality and due things as another character I personally still recommend writting it up as an AI. I believe that this will be more beneficel to both the character and the gm for a long game.

You are probably correct. Plus, Lucius does such an excellent job writing this stuff up.

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Gary the Egotistical Sword: (Total: 103 Active Cost, 25 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6+1, Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (61 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), OAF Unbreakable (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Sword has a mind of its own; -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 12) <b>plus</b> Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED/5 Mental Defense/5 Power Defense) (24 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Sword has EGO 13 and INT 10 (and can use own Mental and Power Def); -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 9) <b>plus</b> +3/+3d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) (9 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), OAF Unbreakable (-1), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Sword has PRE 15 and can use own Striking Appearance to make 6d6 PRE attacks on weilder; -1/2) (Real Cost: 2) <b>plus</b> Fast Draw 12- (9 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), OAF Unbreakable (-1) (Real Cost: 2)


Killing Attack because it's a sword. Resistant Protection because it's magic. Striking Appearance because it's a sword that glows, hums, and even speaks aloud. Fast Draw because it can leap the wielder's hand - even if they didn't want the sword out right then.


INT 10, EGO 13, PRE 15 on defense and PRE 30 on offense.


If you feel the need for more detail - say, the sword has Knowledge or Interaction Skills etc. - then an AI is called for.



Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary tagline, just because



Here's some of what I have so far doing it as an AI


Distinctive Features: Enchanted Sword (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)(5)

"I glow! I sing! I relate stirring tales of battle and amusing anecdotes about...hey, no, don't put me back in the scabbard now I'm just -"


Hunted: People wanting a magic sword Infrequently (Less Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Mildly Punish)

"Oh, go ahead and show me off, you should be proud to have the world' best enchanted sword! Let 'em look, but not touch. No he is NOT going to sell me, not even for my weight in silver! What kind of blade do you think I am?" (Later) "Maybe it wasn't a smart idea to show me off like a cheap bauble...someone might try to take me away from you! Why'd you go and do that?"


Rivalry: Professional and Romantic (Other melee weapons; Rival is Less Powerful; Rival is (sometimes) a Player Character's weapon; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Unaware of Rivalry)

"What are you looking at that big stupid ax for? Oh, you think just because a Troll's swinging it at you is an excuse to pay attention to weapons other than me?"


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says I'm on a role now

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If the sword chose its owner you might dispense with the OAF and take physical manifestation instead. That would mean that while the attack might be constrained neither the weilder nor anyone else can take it away, unless the sword might decide to leave...

That makes a lot of sense. I will recommend it to Jason (He is my friend). 

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Yeah, strict rules say so. I am inclined to allow it in the case of an attack where the physical manifestation is constant and the attack can be noticed and stopped even before the attack is used. I don't want a focus that can be taken away, I want an attack that can be restrained - so perhaps restrain able is the limitation....


Either way, there is something much more satisfying about a magic sword that cannot be gotten rid of and can potentially Spring into your hand and attack, even if someone thinks they took it away or threw it away...

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Yeah, strict rules say so. I am inclined to allow it in the case of an attack where the physical manifestation is constant and the attack can be noticed and stopped even before the attack is used. I don't want a focus that can be taken away, I want an attack that can be restrained - so perhaps restrain able is the limitation....


Either way, there is something much more satisfying about a magic sword that cannot be gotten rid of and can potentially Spring into your hand and attack, even if someone thinks they took it away or threw it away...

True, but my thought on OAF is that Jason can define it as a "Personal" Focus to prevent others from using it. It is just a sword anyway. 

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That is fine if you want the player to have control, he can decide to leave Glamdring at home, or Wormtongue can arrange for him not to have his sword in the throne room.


Not possible with physical manifestation.


The sword may decide that courtier needs to die. And it happens. Depending on its provenance, the sword may appear in the characters hand, or it may be coincidental that it happens to br close at hand when required.


That really leverages the no conscious control... :-)

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No Conscious Control allows the GM to use the Power (w/ in range) selectively, whenever & as many times per segment as desired.


There is no limit as long as there are targets around.


Trigger is not as dangerous.

The reason for that is that the sword can attack on its own and prevent the character from attacking. Maybe the sword decides to go on a bloodthirsty rampage and hits 7 guards in a segment. Maybe the sword likes the rogue that his wielder is about to hit and stops him. That is the reason for No Conscious Control. Besides, Trigger is an advantage, whereas No Conscious Control is a limitation. 

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The reason for that is that the sword can attack on its own and prevent the character from attacking. Maybe the sword decides to go on a bloodthirsty rampage and hits 7 guards in a segment. Maybe the sword likes the rogue that his wielder is about to hit and stops him. That is the reason for No Conscious Control. Besides, Trigger is an advantage, whereas No Conscious Control is a limitation.

At (-2) No Conscious Control generally forbids the PC from consciously activating or using the power.


Any occasion the GM allows the PC to turn the power on the GM is encouraged to apply a stiff (-5 or more) penalty to Attack Rolls.




A fix might be to lower No Conscious Control to (-1) allowing the PC to activate the power consciously but then have no control over what it does.


The PC could order the sword to attack something (& it will) but not necessarily any particular target.


The GM still determines what the sword does.




If the player can use the sword more often than not & on targets the player wishes to then extra powers are needed to represent this.


On top of the above No Conscious Control powers (which ought to be fickle at best) buy a corresponding set of powers to match but w/ Must Be In Good Standing With Sword (-1/2) instead.

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