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Time Limit, Limited Uses and Charges



6e 346 has an example of a spell that creates claws that linger. If I wanted a similar effect that was based on charges or a limited number of uses, can I combine charges and Time Limit for that purpose? So for example if I wanted to have a spell I cast that gave me the ability to have +2 DCV versus HTH up to four times over the next hour. And then to the further complication, I can only cast this spell once a day. How do the two limitations interact, if it is legal to mix them at all?


- Ernie

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1 answer to this question

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What you’re describing is legal, but requires some consideration about how it should be built. Two things must be considered:


1. The number of times the “lingering” Instant Power can be used during the Time Limit.

2. The number of times per day the overall power can be used (in this context, the number of times the character can cast the spell per day).


Number 2 is a classic example of Charges and should be bought as such for the overall power. To make Number 1 easier to understand and evaluate as a Limitation, it should be folded into the value of the Time Limit Power Modifier. Thus, the power would be written something like this:


HKA 1d6 (plus STR), Time Limit (“lingers” for 1 Hour, but can only be used 4 times during that hour); 1 Charge (-2).


The real issue is:  what’s the value of the “number of uses during Time Limit” factor as part of the overall Time Limit Power Modifier? We can’t just apply the value of the Charges Limitation, because it could all too easily lead to a sort of “double dipping,” such as:


HKA 1d6 (plus STR); Time Limit (“lingers” for 1 Hour, but can only be used 1 time during that hour; -½), 1 Charge (-2).


In that example, the power effectively gets the value of 1 Charge (-2) twice, and that’s obviously not cricket. The situation gets even more complicated if the character wants the ability to use the power a large number of times during the Time Limit period, or wants to be able to use it a large number of times per day.  For example, being able to use the power 16 times during a relatively short Time Limit, and being able to use the power 10 times per day, means the character gets a Limitation cost break even though he’s effectively not restricted at all.


Because of all these interlocking factors, I’m not sure there’s a way to establish a hard-and-fast formula for altering the value of Time Limit that wouldn’t lead to potential game balance problems or other concerns. Therefore, it’s left to the GM’s discretion whether to allow this sort of power construct at all, and if he does allow it, how to alter the value of Time Limit to reflect the restriction on usage during the defined time period.


However, I reserve the right to reconsider this ruling until such time as I’ve had more coffee. ;)
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