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Telepathy and Mind Control



1 answer to this question

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Generally a character using Mind Control should give an order to the target in the same Phase in which he attacks with Mind Control, but that’s not absolutely required. Delaying an order is largely the same as when a target cannot perceive a communicated order, which is discussed on page 41 of The Ultimate Mentalist. Here’s that text, altered to cover delays rather than lack of perception:


If the mentalist prefers, he can delay giving an order (rather than giving it in the same Phase as when he uses Mind Control on the target). Until the mentalist gives an order, the Mind Control doesn’t affect the target at all — but the mentalist still has a “lock” on his mind as long as he pays END. If and when he communicates an order in a later Phase, the target will be affected by the Mind Control at that time. Communicating an order in a later Phase typically requires a Half Phase Action, but does not qualify as an Attack Action.

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