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Dispel vs. Invisibility



If you use Dispel that is only effective against Invisibility to the Sight sense group and the target has Invisibility to both the Sight and Hearing sense groups, how do you determine the active point cost of the Invisibility power for purposes of determining the effectiveness of the dispel? Do you use the active point cost of just that part of the invisibility to Sight group or do you use the active point cost of the entire multi sense group Invisibility power?

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That’s a good question — I’m surprised something like this hasn’t come up before. I’m going to rephrase the question a bit more generically so the answer has general application:


Q:  If a character has a Dispel that’s Limited (or otherwise restricted) so that it only affects part of a power, or some aspects of a power, how do you determine the Active Point cost of the power for purposes of determining the effectiveness of the Dispel? (Examples include Dispel Invisibility, Only Works Against Sight Group Part Of Invisibility; or a spell that negates Increased Mass on Teleportation but leaves the base power alone.)


A:  For the sake of simplicity, the default rule in this situation is that you still use the entire Active Point cost of the power to determine whether the Dispel affects the target. But of course, if the GM wants to go to the trouble of calculating the “portion” of the Active Cost dedicated to a “part” of a power, and is willing to accept the consequences of using that instead of the full cost, he’s free to do so.

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