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In my campaign, I have an NPC team that is mostly made up of weak and no powered super heroes.  Most of which would be built on 100/30 using super hero rules for buying equipment.  The mostly function as a do good society but can handle low lever crimes if need be.  They are well liked by the community but are not who come to mind when serious threats occur.  Their primary advantage is numbers.  The problem is coming up with large numbers of otherwise throw away characters that are still potentially easy is a lot more daunting than I suspected when I came up with the idea. 


So, now I make a request.  I would like for members of this forum to share super hero concepts built on 100/30 or less using super hero rules for buying equipment would consider character built on as 225/50 as valid.  Any ideas is welcome. 


I do have an initial request.  My campaign universe started out as collection of short stories that I have written but not published.  I hope some day to write publishable quality stories for my universe; so, if you don't mind your characters being used in future short stories, please, say so.  If not, I will assume I do not have your permission for short story usage.


Thanks in advance!


I will share some of my own ideas once I figure out how to copy from the Character Designer onto the forum.  I'm new to the designer, but I am growing to love it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I promised I would post examples.  I have a few written up on Hero Designer.  I am still new to the program, but I will attempt to post using that.  By the way, Freedomsburg is the name of my primary campaign city.


Jason Harden was a star wrestler in high school and college.  He now works as a sporting equipment marketing specialist for a sports equipment wholesaler.  He likes his job and has relative success, but he misses his glory days as a star athlete.  One day, he got the notion to dress up in a blue bear-headed costume and named himself Bruin after his high school mascot and went out on patrol as a real life hero.  His first night out he managed to scare off a would be purse snatcher.  The exhilaration left him hooked, and he started patrolling on a regular basis.  He eventually hooked up with a group of like-minded individuals who called themselves the Regulators.






Val   Char   Cost    Roll     Notes

  18    STR       8       13-      Lift 303.1kg; 3 ½d6 [2]

  13    DEX      6       12-      OCV:  4/DCV:  4

  15    CON      5       12-

   8     INT       -2      11-      PER Roll 11-

   9     EGO      -1      11-      ECV:  3 - 3

  10    PRE       0       11-      PRE Attack:  2d6


   4     OCV      5      

   4     DCV      5      

   3     OMCV  0      

   3     DMCV  0      

   2     SPD       0                   Phases:  6, 12


   8     PD          6                   Total:  8 PD (0 rPD)

   7     ED         5                   Total:  7 ED (0 rED)

   4     REC      0

  20    END      0

  15    BODY   5

  40    STUN   10      Total Characteristic Cost:  52


Movement:    Running:  12m/24m

                         Leaping:  4m/8m

                         Swimming:  4m/8m


Cost   Powers                                                    END


           Maneuver        OCV   DCV    Notes

4         Choke               -2       +0      Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

4         Escape              +0      +0      33 STR vs. Grabs

3         Hold                  -1       -1      Grab Two Limbs, 28 STR for holding on

4         Reversal            -1       -2      33 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs

3         Slam                 +0      +1      Weapon  +v/10, Target Falls

3         Take Down      +2      +1      3 ½d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls



2         Positive Reputation:  Benevolence (Freedomsburg) 11-, +1/+1d6



3         Concealment 11-

3         Deduction 11-

3         Stealth 12-

3         Streetwise 11-

3         Paramedics 11-

2         AK: Freedomsburg 11-

3         Shadowing 11-

3         Breakfall 12-

2         KS: Wrestling 11-

0         Everyman Skills

0         1)  Acting 8-

0         2)  Climbing 8-

0         3)  Language:  English (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)

0         4)  Persuasion 8-

0         5)  PS: Sports Wholesaler 11-

0         6)  TF:  Everyman Skill, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

0         7)  AK: Harrington Heights 8-


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  48

Total Cost:  100


100+ Matching Complications

15      PsyC:  Overconfident (Very Common; Moderate)

15      PsyC:  Needs to Prove Self (Very Common; Moderate)


Total Complications Points:  100

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I think you are putting a lot of work into what are supposed to be numerous and potentially throwaway characters.


Have a basic stat block for them, OCV/DCV, DEFENCE, Two or three broad skills to give an idea of background, one or two minor powers and exceptional stats to differentiate them.


I will try to come back with two or three examples but am travelling just now and time-limited! :-)




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Before I forget, you're free to use this character as you wish.


Johnny Spielman was a track star and friend of Jason Harden (Bruin) through both high school and college, but they drifted apart for a number of years after graduation.  Johnny started a city-wide 24-hour bike messenger and delivery service, initially as a one-man operation but now he has a half dozen employees (with Johnny's wife Sarah fielding calls at the Speedy Messengers' office).  A year ago, Johnny was accosted while on a job, but was saved from the muggers by Bruin.  He recognized his friend's voice and, after the muggers were dealt with, quietly revealed that to Bruin.  In the course of their conversation, Jason talked Johnny into joining the Regulators.  One of the other Regulators taught Johnny some martial arts, and it turns out he was a quick study.  Now, Sprint helps patrol the city with his other Speedy Messengers helping act as eyes and ears for the Regulators.  (They know he is Sprint but don't know any of the other Regulators' identities.)


Sprint has mainly normal characteristics, with 18 DEX, 3 SPD, 5 DCV, 30 END and 28 STUN.  Working out with Bruin has brought Johnny up to 15 STR.  He has 15m Running with +5m Running at 2x END.  Significant skills include AK: Freedomsburg 13-, Breakfall 13-, and Conversation 12- (he's gotten good at talking to clients), plus a selection of martial arts maneuvers and a few Contacts in the local business community (in his normal identity).

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That looks convenient, but part of my reasoning for fully stating out my characters is to give myself more practice at character building using the Hero System.  After I get more confident of my abilities, I will start doing that with most characters.  Besides, as someone who also plays around with short story writing, I like keeping the facts about background characters fairly vague in case I have ideas of expanding them later.

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