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Affects Desolid on BOD and STUN And DEF and...





In a recent post you said that making one's BOD "Affects Desolid" would prevent a Desolidified character from passing through the character whose BODy was so Advantaged.


Would this make the impassible character vulnerable to attack by the Desolid one? What happens for instance if the Desolid character attempts a Move Through?


Does the impassible character get full benefit of PD and other defenses in that case?


What if only part of the BOD is Advantaged? If Captain Impassible only has 2 BOD that Effect Desolid, can the Living Gascloud kill them by reducing to -2 BOD?


What happens if I put Affects Desolid on STUN?


Or on PD or ED?


Can I ghostproof my castle by putting Affects Desolid on the BOD of a Base?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary goes around posting signs saying "No Walking Through the Walls."

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1 answer to this question

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First, let me clarify:  I mis-spoke. I typed “BODY” when I meant to say “PD,” and I’ve gone back and changed the prior answer. This keeps things consistent with the rules for Bases, which apply such Advantages to PD/ED to create things like cells. The GM may also require characters to buy the Advantage for ED, depending on how he conceives of Desolidification working.


That dispenses with a number of your questions, I think, but I’ll answer the remaining ones.


1. If a character applies Affects Desolidified to his PD, it has precisely the effect I stated in my previous answer:  it “prevent a Desolidified character from moving through you[.]” It does not in any way, shape, or form make him immune to attacks from Desolidified characters; it simply prevents them from moving through him the way they do through ordinary walls.


2. If a Desolidified character is unable to pass through something intangibly, he can make a Move Through/By against it, using the standard rules for those Maneuvers.


3. If a character wants to apply Affects Desolidified to his PD to prevent Desolidified characters from moving through him, he must buy it for his entire PD (unless the GM rules otherwise). He can’t buy it for just 1 PD, or some other fraction of his PD. If his PD is Resistant, Hardened, and/or Impenetrable, he must apply those Advantages to the naked Affects Desolidified Advantage as well.


4. Affects Desolidified has no effect when applied to STUN.


5. Doing this sort of thing is referred to frequently in the Base rules as a way to build, for example, cells that confine characters who have Desolidification. It’s up to the GM whether you could do something like that for an entire Base.

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