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Two Questions About Lockout + Time Limit



Question 1: If I have a power such as this...


Giant Form: Growth: Gargantuan, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Time Limit (20 Minutes; +1) (337 APs) Lockout (-1/2), Gestures, Only To Activate (-1/4), OAF (-1), Must Be Used At Full Power (-1/4). 112 RP.


Do I Lose The Ability to Use All My Other Powers For The Whole Duration Of The Time Limit?


Question 2: If I Have These Two Powers...


Angel Form: Flight 30m Cost END Only To Activate (+1/4), Time Limit (20 Minutes; +1) 67 APs Gestures, Only To Activate (-1/4), OAF (-1), Restrainable via Wings (-1/2) 24 RP.


Lighting Form: RKA 4D6 Constant (+1/2), Persistent (+1/4) AOE: Personal Surface (+1/4) (120 APs) Gestures, Only To Activate (-1/4), No Range (-1/2) 68 RP.


Do I Lose The Remaining Time Left on Power 1 If I Use The Second Power During Its Time Limit Duration?



Thanks Again Steve

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1 answer to this question

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1. That depends on the specifics. Typically it’s either specified in the Limitation’s description (for example, Lockout (can’t use any other light-based power while this power is in use; -½)) or is obvious with a quick look at the character sheet. With a power in the abstract like this, I can’t really tell. But I will say this:  if you don’t specify what the Lockout applies to, I will feel no pity for you when the GM rules that it covers every other power you have. ;)


2. See 6E1 348. If you have further questions after reading that, please post again.

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