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Check out my gravel pit
A mystery unraveling
Wu-Tang is the CD that I travel with
Don't go against the grain if you can't handle it

Ha, holla cross from the land of the lost
Behold the pale horse, off course (off course)
Follow me, Wu-Tang gotta be
The best thing since stocks in Clark Wallabees (ZZZH)
African killers bees black watch (black watch)
On your radio, blowin out yo' watts (ZZZH)
From Park Hill, the house on haunted hill
Every time you walk by your back get a chill (BLBLBH!)
Let's peel, who want to talk rap skills
I spit like a semi-automatic to the grill (BOOM!)
Elbow grease, and elbow room
Baby play me, baby fall down, go boom (BOOM!)
Party people gather round, count down to apocalypse (3, 2, 1...)

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Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When the head of state didn't play guitar,
Not everybody drove a car,
When music really mattered and when radio was king,
When accountants didn't have control
And the media couldn't buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn’t know everything

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I'm not a robot without emotions. I'm not what you see

I've come to help you with your problems, so we can be free

I'm not a hero, I'm not the saviour, forget what you know

I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control


Beyond my control. We all need control

I need control. We all need control

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My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than you's
I could teach you but I have to charge


I know you want it
That thing that makes me
What the guys go crazy for
They lose their minds
The way I whine
I think it's time


La la la la la
Warm it up
La la la la la
The boys are waiting

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Well I wish I was a vampire so I could stay out all night long

Wish I was Bob Dylan so I could write a bunch of hit songs

And if I was a rolling stone, I'd roll right out of town

But I wish I was a square so I'd stop coming back around


I don't know why I forgive the things you do to me

I don't know why I don't have the guts to set you free

But if I had one more wish, I know what that would be

Well, I'd wish I weren't your prisoner and that I could be released

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There was a little old lady, who was walking down the road
She was struggling with bags from Tesco
There were people from the city having lunch in the park
I believe that it's called al fresco
Then a kid came along to offer a hand

But before she had time to accept it
hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
Cause he's got all her jewelery and wallet

You might laugh you might frown
walking round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies

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People say that together we were both sides of the same coin
That we would shine like Venus in a clear night sky
We thought our love could overcome the circumstances
But my ambition wouldn't allow for compromise

I could see in the distance all the dreams that were clear to me
Every choice that I had to make left you on your own
Somehow the road we started down had split asunder
Too late to realise how far apart we'd grown.
How I wish I, wish I'd done a little bit more

Now " Shoulda woulda coulda," means I'm out of time
Coz "Shoulda woulda coulda", can't change your mind
And I wonder, wonder, wonder what I'm gonna do
"Shoulda woulda coulda" are the last words of a fool

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You got a great car
Yeah, what's wrong with it today ?
I used to have one too,
Maybe I'll come and have a look.
I really love
your hairdo, yeah
I'm glad you like mine too,
See what looking pretty cool will get ya ?

So, what do you do ?
Oh yeah, I wait tables too.
No, I haven't heard your band,
'Cause you guys are pretty new.
But if you dig on vegan food
Well come over to my work
I'll have them cook you
Something that you'll really love.

'cause I like you
yeah I like you
and I'm feeling so bohemian like you
Yeah I like you yeah I like you.
And I feel whoa ho woo
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh

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As I was going over the far famed Kerry mountains
I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting. 
I first produced my pistol, and then produced my rapier.
Said stand and deliver, for I am a bold deceiver,

musha ring dumma do damma da 

whack for the daddy 'ol

whack for the daddy 'ol

there's whiskey in the jar

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As I was goin' over the Cork and Kerry mountains.

I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was countin'.

I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier.

I said stand o'er and deliver or the devil he may take ya.




As I was going over the far famed Kerry mountains

I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting. 

I first produced my pistol, and then produced my rapier.

Said stand and deliver, for I am a bold deceiver,

musha ring dumma do damma da 

whack for the daddy 'ol

whack for the daddy 'ol

there's whiskey in the jar


Mine was Thin Lizzy, was yours Metallica ?

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For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon


By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon

For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon


And come tell me Sean O'Farrell where the gath'rin is to be

At the old spot by the river quite well known to you and me

One more word for signal token whistle out the marchin' tune

With your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon


By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon

With your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon

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Oh, it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen. 

My father, he was Orange and me mother, she was green.

My father was an Ulster man, proud Protestant was he. 

My mother was a Catholic girl, from county Cork was she. 

They were married in two churches, lived happily enough, 

Until the day that I was born and things got rather tough.


Baptized by Father Riley, I was rushed away by car, 

To be made a little Orangeman, my father's shining star. 

I was christened "David Anthony," but still, inspite of that, 

To me father, I was William, while my mother called me Pat.


With Mother every Sunday, to Mass I'd proudly stroll. 

Then after that, the Orange lodge would try to save my soul. 

For both sides tried to claim me, but i was smart because 

I'd play the flute or play the harp, depending where I was.


Now when I'd sing those rebel songs, much to me mother's joy, 

Me father would jump up and say, "Look here would you me boy. 

That's quite enough of that lot", he'd then toss me a coin 

And he'd have me sing the Orange Flute or the Heros of The Boyne


One day me Ma's relations came round to visit me. 

Just as my father's kinfolk were all sitting down to tea. 

We tried to smooth things over, but they all began to fight. 

And me, being strictly neutral, I bashed everyone in sight.


My parents never could agree about my type of school. 

My learning was all done at home, that's why I'm such a fool. 

They've both passed on, God rest 'em, but left me caught between 

That awful color problem of the Orange and the Green.

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Little doll it seems ages since we kissed

(Little doll)

Little doll think of all the fun we've missed

(Little doll)

Coz it ain't right to wanna keep on dancing

There won't be any time left for romancing


Come outside,

(what for ?)

come outside

(what's the rush ?)

There's a lovely moon out there

(it's cold outside)


Come outside,

(why ?)

come outside

(you do keep on)

While we got time to spare

(I want another twist)


Now I went and promised your old man

That we'd be home about half past ten

Seems we've got just one more jive

Then we'll be starting home again


Come outside,

(get lost)

come outside (go and ask Lil)

There's a lovely moon out there

(you can go off people)


Come outside,

(give over)

come outside

(belt up)

While we got time to spare

(why don't you listen to the beat ?)

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Right said Fred

Both of us together

One each end and steady as we go

Tried to shift it

Couldn't even lift it

We was getting nowhere

And so We Had a cup of tea


and Right said Fred

Give a shout to Charlie

Up comes Charlie from the floor below

After straining Heaving and complaining

We was getting nowhere

And so We Had a cup of tea


and Charlie had a think and he thought we ought

To take off all the handles

And the things wot held the candles

But it did no good

Well I never thought it would


Oh Right said Fred

Have to take the feet off

To get them feet off wouldn't take a mo

Took its feet off

Even took the seat off

Should have got us somewhere but no !

So Fred said let's have another cup of tea

And we said Right-o Oh

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A mouse lived in a windmill in old Amsterdam
A windmill with a mouse in and he wasn't grousin'
He sang every morning, "How lucky I am
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam !"

I saw a mouse !
(Where ?)
There on the stair !
(Where on the stair ?)
Right there !
A little mouse with clogs on
Well I declare !
Going clip-clippety-clop on the stair
Oh yeah !

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The lights were groovy colours,
the band was playin' slow.
We danced just one dance together
then she said "I've gotta go now!"

I brushed away a teardrop
and followed 'er outside
where a long-haired yob on a cycle
was waiting to gi' 'er a ride.

I'll never forget that freak she went with:
tell him he'd better leave town.
'Cos as soon as me moped's front mud-guard is fixed
gonna find the creep and put him down! (Down, down)

When I get me moped out on the road
I'm gonna ride, ride, ride!
When I get me moped out on the road
I'm gonna ride, ride, ride!
When I get me moped out on the road
Ain't nobody gonna tell me where to go. No!
When I get me moped out on the road
I'm gonna ride, ride, ride, ride, ride!
(Funky Moped)

Move Funky Moped
Move Funky Moped
Move Funky Moped
Move Funky Moped
Move, Move, Move, Move, Move Funky Moped. Go!
(Funky Moped)

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Good evening, here is the six o'clock stonk


All over the nation there's a brand new craze

You see it going on where the music plays

It's funky and it's punky and it's impolite

You can do it by day but it's better at night



Let's stonk, to the rhythm of the honky tonk

Stick a red nose on your conk

And let's stonk


Well you can play a fiddle with a lump of cheese

Or make the Taj Mahal out of mushy peas

Or microwave a pussy cat for your tea

But it's better little baby if you stonk with me


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Hello, everybody, this is your action news reporter with all the news
that is news across the nation, on the scene at the supermarket.
There seems to have been some disturbance here.
Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened?

Yeah, I did.
I's standin' overe there by the tomaters, and here he
come, running through the pole beans, through the fruits and vegetables,
nekkid as a jay bird.
And I hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!"
But it's too late, she'd already been incensed.

Here he comes, look at that, look at that
There he goes, look at that, look at that
And he ain't wearin' no clothes

Oh, yes, they call him the Streak
Look at that, look at that
Fastest thing on two feet
Look at that, look at that
He's just as proud as he can be
Of his anatomy
He goin' give us a peek

Oh, yes, they call him the Streak
Look at that, look at that
He likes to show off his physique
Look at that, look at that
If there's an audience to be found
He'll be streakin' around
Invitin' public critique
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When I was a little bitty boy
my grandmother bought me a cute little toy
Silver bells hangin' on a string
she told me it was my ding a ling

My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I want to play with my ding a ling
My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I want to play with my ding a ling

And then mother took me to Grammer School
But I stopped all in the vestibule
Every time that bell would ring
catched me playin' with my ding a ling

Once I was climbing the garden wall
I slipped and had a terrible fall
I fell so hard I heard bells ring
but held on to my ding a ling

Once I was swimming cross Turtle creek
many snappers all around my feet
Shure was hard swimming cross that thing
with both hands holdin' my ding a ling

This here song it ain't so sad
the cutest little song you ever had
those of you who will not sing
You must be playin' with your own ding a ling
My ding a ling Your ding a ling, your ding a ling
We saw you playin' with your ding a ling
My ding a ling everybody sing
I want to play with my ding a ling

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Valley Girl
She's a Valley Girl
Valley Girl
She's a Valley Girl
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She's a Valley Girl
In a clothing store
Okay, fine...
Fer sure, fer sure
She's a Valley Girl
In a clothing store

Like, OH MY GOD! (Valley Girl)
Like-TOTALLY (Valley Girl)
Encino is like SO BITCHIN (Valley Girl)
There's like the Galleria (Valley Girl)
And like all these like really great shoe stores
I like love going into like clothing stores and stuff
I like buying the neatest mini-skirts and stuff
It's like so BITCHIN 'cause like everybody's like
Super-super nice...
It's like so BITCHIN...

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