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Cooper Mason And Alterable Orgin Point



My quasi-vampire villain Cooper Mason has the "Cuts Like A Knife" Attack. I have put one Alterable Origin Point on it. The special effect is that he can use any point of his body to cut, crush, smash, or rip into anyone's body. That includes his Extra Limbs ("Bits And Pieces", where he pulls down strips of skin and digs out empty blood veils to use as limbs). So, while I understand that I only need the +5 point version for Champions Complete (please correct me if I am wrong), if I would convert this character to full 6ed, I would need more than +5, right? Two hands, two elbows, two shoulders, two feet, two knees, two legs, one head, one torso, one but area, plus lord knows how many skin flaps and empty arteries and veins.

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Fortunately for ol’ Coop, that’s not how the Adder works. When a character buys Alterable Origin Point, he pays for it once and can then have the attack in question originate from any part of his body that the GM permits. He’s not restricted to some pre-defined body part, or list of parts.


And before anybody asks, yes, a character can buy Alterable Origin Point as a naked Adder and then apply a Limitation that it only allows the character to shift the origin point to certain pre-defined body parts:  -½ if he can only shift to one part; -¼ if he can only shift to two parts; -0 for any greater number of parts.

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